The Cringe Candidate – IOTW Report

The Cringe Candidate

Patriot Retort: While it’s true that among the 2020 Democrats there’s absolutely no shortage of cringeworthy moments.  There is one candidate who is the King of Cringe.

And that’s Eric Swalwell.

This guy just can’t stop making public pronouncements that are so embarrassingly awful, it’s impossible not to cringe every time he opens his mouth.

11 Comments on The Cringe Candidate

  1. He’s not even in the running. Why give him the attention. He’ll be outta this faster than shit through a goose. He’s the tree that falls in the forest that nobody heard.

  2. btw, what D’rat candidate isn’t the Cringe Candidate?

    I mean, bejeebus! can anyone possibly pick a bigger bunch of Cringulosity than this bunch

  3. A few cameras focused on him has this boring twerp thinking he’s an important figure in the culture. He’s never had any attention paid to him throughout his entire existence and he’s determined to make the most of it. He’ll ride this for all he can until he’s forced back into the obscurity where deep inside he knows he belongs.
    He’d rather be hated and reviled than ignored.

  4. There is something fundamentally wrong with most of these clowns in this democRAT freak show! Most of them know they haven’t got a shot, but are in it for the publicity and the campaign money. Sure it’s against the law, but as we’ve seen time and time again, laws mean nothing without enforcement and nobody is going to challenge that pack of screaming mee mees!


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