The crown jewel of social justice – IOTW Report

The crown jewel of social justice

Dangerous: She’s the stunning and brave racial minority who’s got it all: gender wizardry, disability, sexual confusion, fat, and she’s an Arab scholar.

It’s victimhood one-stop-shopping, America.

Meet Lydia X. Z. Brown, the gender non-binary, queer, autistic, Asian, fat, super-minority whose unbridled emotion hits you from a block away. The law student building a career on victimization describes herself as “multiply-marginalized,” and boasts a resume jam-packed with leftwing activism.

“I’m angry about how I and people like me are treated,” Brown told Northeastern’s website in a fawning profile published about her. “I’m angry at the erasure, the isolation I and people like me have experienced. Ten years after I began doing advocacy work, I’m still saying the same damn things all the time.”

Brown will embark on zer law career when zit graduates this month. She instructed Northeastern’s writer, Molly Callahan, to use gender non-binary “they/them/their” pronouns in the article, which always makes for a delightful read, permitting the writer to proudly inform readers this would “be reflected throughout this story.”

Commence: the virtue-signaling circle-jerk.  More here

37 Comments on The crown jewel of social justice

  1. I’m not a fan of SUICIDE, but if I were it,them,he,she, or what ever it wants to be called I think I would give it serious consideration to hep ease the pain of just being…it.

  2. “… she/he/it/whatever became more enlightened.” Since when is “enlightenment” defined as embracing the matrix of tyrannical institutions? Enlightenment means learning to see through BS, accepting the responsibility for everything you do as well as what happens TO you, to serve others in a way that involves neither force nor fraud, and also to forgive and accept persecution – – in otherwords EVERYTHING she/he/it/whatever and everyone else on the left is lacking.

  3. I’m not playing.
    That there is human compost. But it does deserve credit for organizing everything wrong with humanity into one stinky pot of nonsense. And a law school grad.

  4. This article made me think, reluctantly, about this “gender pronoun” lunacy. These offensive cranks object to me using “it” when speaking or writing of them, so I think I’ll coin my own pronoun for them: git. That word is already in use, mostly by Brits, to mean “a worthless person” but I don’t see any conflict there.

  5. “Ten years after I began doing advocacy work, I’m still saying the same damn things all the time.” Umm, yea, you might want to look into that matter.

  6. Every time I hear or read about an individual who wants to be referred to in the plural, I’m reminded that sometimes voices in the head are a symptom of mental illness & I silently thank it for self-identifying to me as another person I can avoid.

  7. It’s getting harder and harder to get the headlines in the Attention Whore Sweepstakes, although this being’s gimmicks will be hard to top. I can’t wait to see what combination of bizarre traits the next contestant can put together in the race to the bottom.

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