The Crunchie Caper! Squirrel Craves Chocolate – IOTW Report

The Crunchie Caper! Squirrel Craves Chocolate

I know thatĀ feeling… LOL!


26 Comments on The Crunchie Caper! Squirrel Craves Chocolate

  1. I’ve seen a ton of grey squirrels, seen a few Red Squirrels. I think I saw an Albino Squirrel at the zoo. But I’ve never seen a Black Squirrel before. I guess I am a racist.

  2. Black squirrels I’ve seen many times in Yonkers and White Plains, New York. My original avatar when I started here was a grey squirrel stealing from my Lays Potato chip bag in my golf cart. We named him Rocky. He hung around the Fifth green and could open golf bags and steal candy, sandwiches, whatever. I’ll try to find that photo. But posting this black squirrel robbing a store is pure racism . Ochone.

  3. Remember when Crossman came out with those
    nice pump up .22 caliber pellet pistols? I’d
    fry that little rat with onions and garlic.
    I didn’t realize they sell a new model and
    it’s still under about sixty bux. Put a 8oz
    water bottle silencer on it? You go girl!

  4. Hey Brad there is nothing more beautiful than watching a red tailed hawk swoop down from two fairways away and pick up one of those rodents and fly on up to a tree. Then eat it. When the hawk is finished she/she just drops the skin to the ground. Sometimes the hawk takes the squirrel to the nest to feed the youngungs. I know where the nest is but it’s impossible to see what does on. Hawks are magnificent, just like eagles. Squirrels? just like deer, they deserve to die.

  5. I first saw black squirrels in Washington DC.
    I don’t remember seeing them elsewhere in the Northeast.

    No idea how the black squirrels got here. Escaped zoo squirrels from long ago?

    Inquiring minds…

  6. I never knew squirrels were grey until I moved to Minnesota. Michigan is loaded with black squirrels. Story is that old man Kellogg shipped them in from China and they took over. Started in Battle Creek and now they are all over Michigan.

    Tidbit: when my dad was a youngster growing up in Battle Creek he was hitch hiking and was picked up by old man Kellogg. He gave my dad a 50 cent piece. I asked my dad what he did with it and he said, “Bought candy!”

  7. I have seen black squirrels is NYC and Toronto, but none in the Boston area.

    By the way, native English speakers can pronounce squirrel, but those who speak other languages have a hell of a time with it.

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