The Cult Of Wokeness Is Frying Our Children’s Brains – IOTW Report

The Cult Of Wokeness Is Frying Our Children’s Brains

Undercover Mother: A brief foray into the NAIS People of Color Conference reveals the proposed cure is actually the CAUSE of our national youth mental health crisis.

When we set out to observe the NAIS People of Color Conference (POCC), for the high cost of inclusion – the seminar cost over $900 for one individual virtual registration, we expected to see the endorsement of fringe luxury beliefs with adoring participants waving jazz hands and silent snaps (for the audibly sensitive).  We did see a good amount of this, but what else we saw and experienced was much more traumatizing. (Big ups to those who also attended NAIS POCC and sent us tips.)

NAIS Review

Recall that Independent X School is part of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) which provides a one stop shop for all things “independent” school including accreditation, PR, DEI consultants, insurance, placement firms, etc.  It is also the union/lobbyist/activist director for private schools akin to the National School Boards Association (NSBA) for public schools (the same NSBA that lobbied Merrick Garland to sic the FBI on parents).  Recall that our favorite DEI Industrial Complex consultant, Rodney “I’m so oppressed after going to Harvard and Columbia” Glasgow, likened us – private school parents, to January 6 insurrectionists for daring to ask even one single question to Independent X School. more here

6 Comments on The Cult Of Wokeness Is Frying Our Children’s Brains

  1. So, I’m behind this attractive 5’10” mother of two (early 30’s) in the store. She’s with two boys about 8 and 5, both also tall for their age. The oldest is using terms like “like” and “eco-friendly” and “non-poluting” in his conversation with his mom who also has a matching ‘progressive tone’ in her voice (trust me, you’ve heard it). My instinct was to intervene and say something, but of course I didn’t.

    I realize this is different than being “woke” – but I was disgusted and wanted to puke. My sons would have run circles around them at that age with real English and actual knowledge. It’s possible the progressive culture is actually more damaging than what it can lead to for some: being ‘woke.’ Her boys are being mentally shaped forever and who knows the outcome. My kids and grand kids will have to deal with the likes of her kids.


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