The Curious Case of Nancy Pelosi and Yogananda Pittman  – IOTW Report

The Curious Case of Nancy Pelosi and Yogananda Pittman 

Where is Yogananda Pittman?

2 Comments on The Curious Case of Nancy Pelosi and Yogananda Pittman 

  1. I knew all of this. As most here probably do. But it’s important you post stuff like this, and here’s why. My new “old lifter BFF” in the gym revealed himself as a TOTAL Libtard today. Very unusual for a gym rat to be a libtard. Anyway, long story short, he started off with calling DeSantes a book burner. So I asked him why is it wrong remove books from the school system that if you and I were caught with back in the day we would have been expelled for? He hit Ukraine. Shut him down. He hit inflation, shut him down. He wasn’t aware RFK was running for president. He didn’t know who Tulsi Gabbard was. He finally says, he was visibly pissed, in order to preserve our friendship we should no longer talk politics. Me, That’s not happening ad you know it. Where both type A in your face guys. Let’s agree to respect each other positions and continue on as friends. Like people use to do. He’s a CNN spoon fed Lib. But I do like the guy. I’ll be sending him this tonight.


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