The Curious Case of the Democrats vs Zuckerberg – IOTW Report

The Curious Case of the Democrats vs Zuckerberg


The worst kind of fight in one in which you wish for both sides’ demise. Whatever satisfaction you get from watching one foe whipped is instantly tempered by the victor’s success. It’s a no-win situation.

Watching Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg defend his digital empire before menacing lawmakers was one such brawl. In early September, Facebook disclosed that it had suspended hundreds of accounts associated with a St. Petersburg-based website that dispensed pro-Kremlin propaganda. The long-held suspicion that Putin operatives attempted to influence the 2016 election was confirmed.

Then the levee broke.

With appetites whetted with the possibility of finally cutting the social media giant down a peg, lawmakers, including an enlivened Senator Richard Burr (R-SC), demanded Facebook executives testify before Congress on the matter. “This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) declared, licking his massive chops with gleeful anticipation. During his recent big business conclave, former New York City mayor and slurpee-hater Michael Bloomberg said Facebook employees should be required to “read every message” posted on the platform — a demand far beyond the realm of reasonability.
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11 Comments on The Curious Case of the Democrats vs Zuckerberg

  1. [Establishment]Conservatives are normally wary of extending government’s power over business. But as Facebook cozies up to the left, the greater chance there is it will be used as a weaponized propaganda arm for liberalism.” (emphasis added)

    The GOPe is why we’re in the situation we’re in…and why there’s Trump.

  2. I somewhat disagree with the opening sentence from the article. Seems to me they could fight to a bloody draw, exposing and weakening each other in the process. Sounds like a win-win to me.

  3. “The worst kind of fight in one in which you wish for both sides’ demise.”

    Nope. That’s the best kind – if you’re smart enough to ensure that they kill each other. Otherwise, one emerges stronger than they both were at the outset (see Soviet Union, 1945). Unfortunately (actually luck has nothing to do with it – but we use the word promiscuously), the GOPe is decidedly corrupt and inclined towards totalitarianism, so they’ll twiddle their dicks, huff and blow, and piss away all opportunities to help make America more robust.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Zuckerberg, a disgusting creep, will eventually come to an end. Nothing lasts forever. With all his scams he bound to find he’s DONE.
    He is the type of Jew that causes antisemitism.

  5. I think its great when 2 sets of leftists, regressives, SJWs, professional victims, etc are left in a state where they must confront and fight each other. Nothing like watching them eat their own.

  6. I think that this is a dangerous situation. Zuckerberg liens left. But, in the political spectrum he is moderate. But, what I suspect is happening is that the hard left is applying pressure on Zuckerberg to enforce their political agenda. In essence, Zuckerberg is a tool and there are powers on both sides vying to control him.

    The problem is that, Zuckerberg being in milquetoast (ignorant) leftist has a proclivity to submit to the mandates of more aggressive leftists.

    Zuckerberg could be a force for good if he could be turned from the Darkside.

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