The Daily Caller Harshly And Truthfully Judges This Year’s College Commencement Speakers – IOTW Report

The Daily Caller Harshly And Truthfully Judges This Year’s College Commencement Speakers

DailyCaller: Spring is in the air, America, and college commencement season is once again upon us.

After four — or five, or six — years of keg stands and studying a few hours a week, another crop of special snowflakes is about to be slapped right upside the head by the cold, cruel real world.

As is tradition, their very last brush with the campus cocoon will involve sitting in a gown and a silly hat while listening to a speech.

And as is also tradition, The Daily Caller is here to provide brutally honest evaluations of the slew of celebrities, politicians and various hangers-on who will give the speeches at various commencement ceremonies around the country in 2017.

Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour will be this year’s commencement speaker at the taxpayer-funded City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy. Sarsour, who appears to have zero health policy experience, has frequently defended Rasmea Odeh, an alleged member of the terrorist-designated Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who was convicted in Israel in 1970 of taking part in two bombings — one at a supermarket in Jerusalem and another at the British consulate. Two Israeli students were killed in the supermarket bombing. Sarsour also once expressed the desire to “take away” a Muslim critic’s vagina and has defended Sharia law, claiming that it consists of not eating pork, refraining from alcohol and following Islamic teachings. F.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is the scheduled graduation speaker at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst


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