The danger of scapegoating Hillary – IOTW Report

The danger of scapegoating Hillary

Patriot Retort:

In my previous post, I asked Will Hillary Clinton be the scapegoat?

And while I think it is possible the media and Democrats would love nothing more than to let Hillary take the fall for the Russia scandals, there is a danger in doing that.

Back in June of 2015, I wrote a column titled Dance with the one that brung ya.

At the time, Hillary had yet to give her big, splashy Roosevelt Island speech. But despite not officially being a candidate for President, Democrats were already grumbling that Hillary was not the best choice.

Can you blame them? Look at everything dragging her down — the email scandal, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play. Hillary wasn’t exactly the best choice.

So naturally some Democrats were desperate for a better candidate to toss his hat into the ring.

And in my column, I wrote this:

If they bail on Hillary a second time, the damage will come from Hillary herself.

Like Obama, Hillary has no party loyalty. All she cares about is her own power and career. And if the Democrats leave her standing like a wallflower in order to woo a new candidate into dancing with them, she will turn on them like a rabid dog.

Burning bridges behind her is Hillary’s primary mode of transportation.

And trust me, she’ll start burning.

And if it was true in 2015, it is doubly true today.

As it is, Hillary already feels betrayed by the Democrats. And let’s be honest. She has nothing to lose.

Her guaranteed victory blew up in her face like a trick cigar.

And she’s bitter, angry and looking for payback.

12 Comments on The danger of scapegoating Hillary

  1. She & Bill really KNOW where Obama’s stuff is hidden and what’s in it. It would be major payback for the Dems betrayal in 2008.

    Would love to see it, just for closure to all the historical conjectures/conspiracies.

  2. The Dems/Left are in the process now of throwing her under the bus and trying to have her carry the can for all the Dems misdeeds putting a “Gee, we would have done so much better but Clinton kept us back” sort of bs. I really hope she turns on them with a vengence especially since it looks like Obama has joined in the pig-pile through his minions. Something similar is going on in Hollywood with Weinstein. All those women coming out now and Weinstein was the only one they had a problem with? Bullshit, he deserves to burn but it looks like a concerted effort to minimize the damage and use him to “purify” the industry.

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