The DC Establishment Gets Almost Everything Wrong About Trump’s Saudi Posture – IOTW Report

The DC Establishment Gets Almost Everything Wrong About Trump’s Saudi Posture

Khashoggi’s last column for the Post was literally titled The U.S. is wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood — and the Arab world is suffering for it.”


The Federalist: Of President Donald Trump’s many disruptions to the established order, his foreign policy has been perhaps the least understood and least accepted by elites. Yesterday, President Trump resisted public pressure and declined to significantly reorient American foreign policy in light of Saudi Arabia’s brutal killing of its political opponent Jamal Khashoggi, who was also a columnist for the Washington Post.

In a statement, Trump said that what happened to Khashoggi was terrible, but that Saudi Arabia is an ally that shares our broader strategic interests in the region, while Iran remains a foe to be countered.

Trump had already imposed sanctions on 17 Saudi individuals over their alleged roles in Khashoggi’s killing. Anti-Trump journalists, Obama-era supporters of the Iran deal, and Republican supporters of Bush-era democracy-spreading wanted the United States to do much more to dramatically change its relationship with Saudi Arabia on account of the killing.

“In unusual statement disputing the CIA and filled with exclamation points, Trump backs Saudi ruler after Khashoggi killing,” opined NBC News in its snarky headline for a news story on the announcement.

“The President’s and Secretary of State’s Khashoggi statements to date are inconsistent with an enduring foreign policy, with our national interest, with basic human rights, and with American greatness,” asserted Utah’s newly elected Republican Sen. Mitt Romney.

It’s unclear what Romney meant by his remarks, which were a more sober version of the general outrage Trump’s statement generated. It was clear that much of elite D.C. still believes that the job of U.S. foreign policy is less to protect the country’s strategic interests and more to spread democracy and other “American values,” arguments and rhetoric also used in favor of the invasion of Iraq during the George W. Bush administration.  more here

5 Comments on The DC Establishment Gets Almost Everything Wrong About Trump’s Saudi Posture

  1. Khashoggi was an islamic terrorist apologist and propaganda creator.
    Saudis took out the trash and the leftists are upset.

    Obviously Romney never heard of Reagan’s 11th commandment.
    Romney left little doubt where he stands, RINO anti-Trump carpetbagger.

  2. Four Americans were killed in Benghazi; 0bama and his administration lied over their dead bodies about what happened for the sole reason of avoiding negative press and being seen as weak on terror during his re-election campaign. The Media and Swamp let 0bama & Co. get away with it.

    Forgive me if I have no “F’s” to give when it comes to this guy getting killed.


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