The Death of the College Experience – IOTW Report

The Death of the College Experience

Cal State to Stay Shuttered in Fall 2020:

20 Comments on The Death of the College Experience

  1. This stupid move will cause students to get an education outside of California
    which is a good thing. The school system has been headed downhill since 1980 or even earlier.

  2. On line college is an awesome thing. Send little Johnny or Betsey off to the dorms and odds are they’re coming back a Libtard. Shut the campuses down for good. We don’t need to send our kids away to get them educated. And we will save America in the process and the Communist infiltrators can pound salt.

  3. It’s fantastic that liberal bed wetters have bespoiled their high priced indoctrination centers.

    That is one of the upsides of this whole mess that liberals engineered.

    Congress being shut down for 6+ weeks is another.

    You know me. I’m a sunny optimist.

    I don’t stay home. I seize the day.

    I don’t wear a mask. That shows subservience to the dictator.

    I’m ready to throw the Spring hinged doors to the saloon open and order a whiskey in a loud voice like in those old westerns.

    Matter of fact, just leave the bottle on the bar.

    Who you looking at, college boy?

    Oops. Sorry. Ma’am.

  4. @Leo J MacGillivray – we have two boys in early HS, Mary Hatch and I are preparing for them to NOT go to college.

    Some reasons not to go to college:

    A) It is not affordable.
    B) I do not want to go into debt
    C) My boys life should not start with debt.
    D) (To your point) We want results, not a piece of paper
    E) It has become a corrupted industry infected with leftist politics. Why the fuck would I send my boys into a hostile Swamp? For the experience of it?? To get laid and drink?? My sound fun to some? But not on my dime!
    F) My backround is one leg in the trades and the other in design(with a degree), so I am readying them for tradesman work.
    G) Being able to put something ‘together’, I MADE that, whatever that is, and walk away saying ” Yeah, I did that, that’s me”. Is one helluva good feeling.
    H) the people you will meet on a jobsite compared to who you will ‘not meet’ in a lecture class is profound.
    I) if you can invent something, for lack of a better word, GREAT, BUT there is no get rich quick scheme, go ask Ralph Kramden!
    E) (Feel free to add your reason here). What is your, or other iOTWers experience? _____________________


  5. This is a plus. They will find it harder to brainwash the kids without the in-class group shaming. They completely rewired my daughter. She’s a complete write-off now.

  6. I am a little serious about the optimism i just posted above.

    I heard the father of a fourth grader, who was forced, due to this circumstance, to home school. He was dismayed that the child didn’t know times tables and had such poor penmanship.

    Aside from keeping the child away from’Heather had two mommies’ and global warming alarmism and all the racial claptrap, he can actually teach the kid useful skills.

    And maybe, just maybe, the big house and new car is less important than quality time teaching your children logic, manners and the knowledge that used to be imparted on my generation as the natural course of learning.

    I still see positive things coming from the liberal house arrest.

    As for the manners and good behavior that I had instilled in me in my youth?

    That can easily be discarded with you IOTW mutha…
    Ha. Just kidding. Kinda.

    I really do see a silver lining for the short term.

    But this house arrest needed to end a week ago.

  7. Look for them to scream for laws to make it illegal to homeschool or collage. Truth be told, for the most part they are not needed.
    Make them earn what they are selling, like most of us.

  8. When a student is learning online, it is easy to tune out the dreck that isn’t necessary. As Bill Whittle mentioned, it is difficult to walk out on a libtard teacher without being shamed; it is another and easier thing to just tune out when online.

    More insidious are the speech codes and codes of conduct most universities have for their on campus student body, as well as the screeching and completely annoying progressive activitists. In my opinion, this is where most of the damage is done in terms of indoctrination – a class only meets 3 times a week for 50 minutes, but speech and conduct codes are 24/7. Colleges need the bodies on campus in order to perform this type of indoctrination.

    The attitude of many college administrators and faculty is that a college education is inelastic – demand will remain the same regardless of whether or not students are physically present or the cost involved. Shutting down colleges and universities for a semester or two will likely put the lie to that type of thinking.

  9. @Ghost: I learned to weld a few years ago. At the time the instructor said you’d start out out at $12-13/hour, BUT you’d advance very rapidly as you demonstrated your skill and speed. A good welder can earn over $100K. It’s also something that can’t be outsourced. Plus, I think it’s actually fun. An employee’s husband makes over $125K doing it.

  10. Herd commie indoctrination will be more difficult to accomplish with Gen Z, but most Millennials are a lost cause. They have no problem with plandemic lockdowns and socialist mandates.

  11. Listen,I never went to college. I went to an all female business school. They taught me the word processing back in the 80’s and to handle the corporate world. I was way ahead of my friends who were playing drinking games in college. I needed structure and balance. I make more than a lot of friends who spent $$$ on college but I worked hard too and paid dues. I know the feeling. Listen, I learned the degree means a lot regardless of what the degree means. It’s all about the degree. I’m trying to figure it out for my boys and I will. Not easy in this complicated world we live.

    God Bless us all!

  12. Wyoming Catholic does not use textbooks, but have courses based on classical literature. They do not accept federal funding. Students may not have a cell phone on campus, but may have a gun. They also have a wilderness leadership program.

    Check them out!

  13. @NIdahoCatholic – I have been trying to convince Mary Hatch to move to Wyoming, we have been there before, okay so it was driving ‘through’, but I have this thing about Wyoming, we visited the below, just because of the architect that designed it, ‘in the middle of no where’.

    I will look into that college…

    Thank you.



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