The “Declaration of Military Accountability.” – IOTW Report

The “Declaration of Military Accountability.”

231 Current and Former U.S. Service Members Demand Military Leaders Be Court-Martialed Over Forced COVID Vaccines: “Service Members Were Significantly Harmed by These Actions.”

16 Comments on The “Declaration of Military Accountability.”

  1. “U.S. Service Members Demand Military Leaders Be Court-Martialed WITH SUMMARY DEATH PENALTY SPECIFICATIONS Over Forced COVID Vaccines UP TO AND INCLUDING THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF”

  2. Every “doctor” that went along with this farce after the data started to be surpressed and the medical profession was used to mandate vaxxcines in contravention of the Nuremberg
    Laws needs to be stripped of his credentials immediately.

    At a MINIMUM.

    Either they knew better and knowingly committed medical malfeasance to protect politics and paycheck, or they SHOULD have known better as highly learned and sworn professionals who are supposed to be dedicated to healing first and foremost, and instead of resarching, analyzing, following patient putcomes, and reacting to the data like a doctor SHOULD, committed medical malpractice due to their negligence and political complianece instead.

    Either way, they should never touch a patient in any capacity again. Cleaning bedpans would still be OK tho, preferably with their tounges.

  3. Covid-19 one of the leading causes of death in the US. Get vaxed, 100% safe & effective.
    Covid-19 causes blood clots, heart disease, respiratory problems, dementia & more illnesses. Coofed brain-dead military crybabies, 😭.
    LGBTQIA+ mofos, get sum Vaseline, bend over & STFU.

  4. Fauci needs to have a singular and very public punishment for HIS role in this, although I’m not sure it’s in the purview of the military to mete it out in any way other than gunpoint.

    I would recommend the punishment provided to the plague “doctors” of Geneva who tried to keep the Black Plauge going for their own enrichment, but with modern video coverage and real-time broadcast.

    Seems fitting.

  5. We actually already HAVE a declaration of accountability that transcends in service or out, in all nations and all peoples.

    It’s called the Nuremberg Code.

    Follow that precident, enforce those laws, and court martials become redundant.

    This code covers experimentation without consent and coerced experiments, which is appropriate. Consent is impossible when ingredients are not known and hazards are nor discussed; and as for “experimental” the same people that claim it is NOT experimental are the people who keep it fully covered under Emergency Use Authorization, which is for EXPERIMENTAL drugs.

    They must either give up the EUA and be REQUIRED to disclose all and be subject to liability, or be subject to the Nuremberg Code.

    Can’t have it both ways and still pretend there’s any bl
    obedience to the law.

    And if there’s no obedience to the law, we’ll, that cuts both ways.

    Sometimes literally.

    Biut that’s a different discussion for another day.

  6. SNS – Thank you for the link. I was not aware of what occurred at the end of the plague. Not surprising however, given power corrupts – absolute power corrupts absolutely. It’s something we’ve been in the middle of for years unfortunately.

    May God Bless us and help us.

    And I hope sincerely that everyone on IOTW had a Happy New Year!

  7. fullmetal256
    TUESDAY, 2 JANUARY 2024, 10:43 AT 10:43 AM

    You’re welcome. That’s why they don’t want us to remember history, because evil is not creative and always repeats. As the Preacher in Ecclesiasties says, there’s nothing new under the sun.

    Mankind never changes.

    Only the weapons get better.

  8. Kudos to clever person who came up with the term ‘VAXECUTION.’ Next appointment I’m going to ask the doctor “How do you plan to stay in business with your patient base vaxicuted?”

  9. Again, Trump signed into law during his term, anyone involved with the Covid-19 vaccines CAN NOT BE SUED. Next, I’ve had the shots & all the boosters & get one once a year with the flu vaccine, no problem ever. Trump gets em, looks like he’s still kicking to me. Or is that his stand-in?


    In the last 65 years how many UNIPARTY folk have been punished for the felonies they committed? !@#$?^&*!


    If anyone is punished it will be the untermenschen that signed!
    ales John Roberts “meets his maker”!


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