The Deep State Exposed: Investigation Uncovers Foggy Bottom Anti-Trump Leak Factory – IOTW Report

The Deep State Exposed: Investigation Uncovers Foggy Bottom Anti-Trump Leak Factory

Big Government: It was mid-May, about six weeks after Trump appointee Mari Stull began her new job as senior adviser at the State Department’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs.

As senior adviser at the bureau, Stull was in charge of making sure President Trump’s agenda was represented at the many international organizations the U.S. participates in and mostly funds, such as the United Nations and its various agencies.

Stull and her boss, Amb. Kevin Moley, had just left for a trip to Geneva for the World Health Assembly. Back at the State Department, Erin Barclay, a senior career diplomat at the IO Bureau, invited more than ten civil servants within the bureau to a lunch meeting.

At the meeting, Molly Phee, another senior career diplomat, went around the table and asked each civil servant for complaints about Stull and took notes. Another senior career diplomat in the IO bureau, Nerissa Cook, was also there. One civil servant who participated in the meeting would later say the meeting felt uncomfortable, and that there was pressure to say something.

Several weeks later, the first hit piece against Stull ran in an exclusive Foreign Policy report. The June 13 piece alleged that Stull was “vetting” U.S. employees at the State Department and at the United Nations to determine whether they were “loyal” to President Trump.

The piece also alleged Stull had a “highly secretive management style,” had emerged as the most “dominant force” in the bureau, had required that she review new directives from the office before they went out, and that she was stripping references to “international law” and “international order” from action items and memos.

Not one source was named in the piece, which cited the allegations from “nearly a dozen” anonymous “current and former U.S. officials.” The piece did, however, mention three deputy assistant secretaries of state in the bureau: Phee, Barclay, and Cook, who were said to be leaving to other positions at State. more

15 Comments on The Deep State Exposed: Investigation Uncovers Foggy Bottom Anti-Trump Leak Factory

  1. One thing the linked article — perhaps inadvertently — exposes is just how incestuous our federal gov’t is. This story is bad enough on the face of it but it also tells, when you get down into the nit and grit, a tale of major dysfunction junction. It’s both embarrassing and disgusting. There are motivations galore, including a heavy dose of plain jealousy, envy and petty retaliation. Not the kinds of things one thinks about when it comes to the State Department at those levels. Oh sure, they try to hide it by saying they are the “resistance” but I think there is something way more personal back of that, and not nearly so “noble.”

  2. And speaking of the Deep State, if you get a chance watch Devin Nunes’ speech as he receives the 2018 Keeper of the Flame award. CTH has it. Nunes talks about what he thinks is going to happen going forward from this DoJ/FBI doc release. Good stuff.

  3. AA
    You are exactly right.
    The numbers of deep staters is depressingly large.
    For decades, government has been a magnet for both gold diggers and goldbrickers.
    I doubt there are enough good people left in the ranks to actually make government work.

  4. Our poor president. It’s like he’s in a room with 100 people, 97 of whom carry a syringe filled with poison. There are 3 persons he can trust. He just has to figure out which 3.

  5. HRC was SecState.
    She sold the United States for profit (through her fake server).
    Everyone at State remained quiet while the country was sold.
    In fact, so did the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, and the NSA.

    What further proof of treason?
    What further proof of corruption?
    The treasons and corruptions are deep and wide – spanning many agencies and ALL the “enforcers.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The only way to cull the numbers of corrupt government workers is threw legislation. That will not happen when we have republican leadership unwilling to force through changes to the rules regarding gov employees.
    Draining the swamp starts at the top and we have two entrenched pigs up there guarding the hen house
    Ryan is only hanging back leaving so he can force his hand picked stooge {McCarthy} safely in place of him.
    “Issue in doubt”…..Wake Island Commander Cunningham

  7. MJA — Well, when you think about it. How would the federal gov’t be any different than our municipalities? What kind of people do they attract for employment in the ranks? And who stays so long at a gov’t job that they rise in the ranks? Picture a “Personnel” department from the 1960’s.

    I shudder to think of it.


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