“The democratic party is a house of cards ready to come tumbling down.” – IOTW Report

“The democratic party is a house of cards ready to come tumbling down.”

Trump Gives Historic Speech… The old Republican Party is gone forever .

9 Comments on “The democratic party is a house of cards ready to come tumbling down.”

  1. It is nothing to focus on the Democrat Party when the problem is progressivism and the Republican establishment is exhibit A. They are closeted progressives, but just as committed to he cause as any Democrat. Fact of the matter is they are as essential to moving the progressive movement’s agenda forward. Without them Ronald Reagan would have been able to achieve his agenda and as for the part in frustrating Donald Trump, it speaks for itself.

  2. I will still be suspicious of all Republicans, there’s a good chance they could all be RINOs. The swamp has worked hard to get to this point, they’re not going to give up easy.

  3. @JDHasty: I’m not sure I agree that the Republican establishment are closeted progressives. I think they are just self-centered people with no principles who find the easiest way to money and power are via big government. Swamp creatures who aren’t conservatives, but feign it to garner votes and play along with the Dems so that the government will grow. They are Unipartyists and swamp creatures. I completely agree with the rest of your post.

  4. Trying so desperately to keep his “Nixon Tapes” hidden, must be real good shit in there. But not looking good for him, tomorrow the archives have to start turning over his records over to the commission. Can’t wait for the ball to drop. 3rd party, how about a 3rd country, he might have to exit quickly.

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