The Democrats are worried. They should be. – IOTW Report

The Democrats are worried. They should be.


Since the inauguration of Donald Trump, the liberal media’s daily reporting routinely defaults to an all too familiar word: “bombshell.”  Most every news segment begins with “bombshell,” and it is certain (in their collective opinion) to end the Trump presidency.  No luck so far!

Failed media munitions aside, the rise of liberal rhetoric is at near deafening decibels, and for good reason.  Attorney General Bill Barr’s congressional hearing testimony (on two separate occasions) has no doubt caused Democrats angst and discomfort.  In addition, DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz recently confirmed that his office is continuing its investigation, pertaining to the abuse of FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) by officials at the DOJ and FBI.  And if that isn’t enough, N.C. congressman Mark Meadows referred former Fusion GPS contractor Nellie Ohr to the DOJ for a criminal investigation regarding her testimony to Congress last October.

In a stunning admission during the congressional hearing pertaining to the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, A.G. Barr came right out and said, “Yes, I think spying did occur” in response to Democrat Senator Shaheen’s question about Barr’s intention to review prior intelligence agency activities that targeted the Trump campaign.  It was not a random, off-the-cuff question proffered by Senator Shaheen.  In fact, Democrats were purposefully conducting reconnaissance.  Prior to his declaration about spying, Senator Shaheen queried Barr about the scope of his investigation.  In plain language, Barr replied that he’s investigating whether or not there was adequate basis for surveillance, whether or not rules were violated or laws broken, and which government agencies were involved.  And while Barr went onto say he’s not necessarily investigating the FBI, he stated that perhaps there was a failure of leadership by upper-echelon FBI officials.  A.G. Bill Barr concluded, “I feel I have an obligation to make sure that government power is not abused.  I think that’s one of the principal rules of the attorney general.”

Once again, during congressional testimony on May 1, the attorney general announced there is not just one — in fact, there are multiple investigations underway by the DOJ.  Bombshell!

20 Comments on The Democrats are worried. They should be.

  1. A bombshell needs to explode in order to inflict damage and casualties. Democrats have been dropping nothing but duds. And by democrats i mean the media. Redundant, i know.

  2. They are creating a set of conditions where only the most rabid Social Justice Douchebag will buy what they are selling, and a vast ocean of Jack Kennedy Democrats are doing the WTF face at the TV.
    They are also creating a non-zero probability of the old guard of those same Democrats will feel that they should crash their own party in 2020 to rid themselves of those newest crazy parasites

  3. Robespierre Mueller and his Committee of Public Safety knew within six months that there was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump Campaign. They strung this out to help the Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives. Then they delayed things for another year and a half, hoping that Trump would obstruct the investigation. Robespierre and his angry Clinton supporters almost pulled this off.

  4. Not to worry – Joe Biden caught “Dragnet” (1987) on StarzEncore, and now his pilfered (plagiarized? 🤔) “Moral Advance Movement of America (MAMA),” is coming to the democraps rescue!!! 🤣

  5. How can morals be right when the democraps have them exactly 180 degrees bass ackwards? I want nothing to do with their morals ever, a simple thing like right and wrong has been so corrupted that for a lot of democrap voters their morals have become meaningless and totally existential depending upon their circumstances. I’ll say it again, I hate the left and their lack of morality and they call us the bad guys. Geez Louise, gimme a friggin break.

  6. Joaquin Castro decided not to run for Cornyn’s Senate seat in Texas. Tank Abrams says she’s not running Perdue’s Senate seat in Georgia. Wonder what made them so pessimistic about their chances? Is the money just not there to make it profitable? Are the internal polls too depressing? We shall see. In the meantime, screw Mueller Time. I’m drinking bourbon at the Barr.

  7. The democrats will win in the long run. They’re like gravity: they have nothing in their lives but leftist politics. It transends religion, family and country. (No better example than Jewish liberals relentlessly helping savages who seek to exterminate them.)

    Countering leftism is like combatting crime: you can never rest. But, the likes of street scum that infests the democrat ranks gets elected, and it all starts going downhill.

    Unless we take back our schools, we’re doomed. The Crying Boehners and the rats like mcconnel are not with us. We’re outnumbered. Best solution is for sucession: they go their way, we go ours, with a new bullet-proof Constitution, and zero tolerance for the b.s. that’s ruined our country today.

  8. I think of liberals as tiny little midgets, circling around a just flushed terlet bowl….grabbing at….grabbing at….what? Anything floating they can grab onto….attempting to keep save themselves from the inevitability of being flushed away forever.

  9. @charlie.

    Brainwashing starts waaaay before higher education.
    It starts with children’s television programming and advances through grade school, high school and is embedded into all platforms if pop culture. Music, movies, late night supposed comedy.

    The left, as Andrew Breitbart warned many years ago, control the narrative.

    Even Alex Trebec on Jeopardy sneaks in his leftism on a game show.

    The left is omnipresent.

    I bought a can of Planters mixed nuts the other day and noticed that it had a warning. This can may contain nuts.


  10. @phenry, I know – I know. Those “institutions” pop out liberal millenials with elementary school endorsements that think its their duty to indoctrinate the little children of the duped public. My family isnt one of those units. My wife has an elementary ed degree but has been in Christian (thats Christian, the real deal) education. She sees the refugees from grade schools and their awakened parents. So i say burn them down. They are the point of the indoctrination/brainwash/liberal juggernaut.

  11. @charlie. Yep. It’s demoralizing at times. Especially when you see a populace that is so dumbed down that they would vote for and elect an AOC. Sometimes I’m upbeat about an American resurgence. Other days I lose hope.

    What the criminal left has done to this country is simply disgraceful.

    Grace be upon you and your wife. Your our last hope. Teapartyjim

  12. It is becoming much easier and less expensive to home school your kids. Parents best start doing it and if they both have to work then it’s time for Grandparents to step up to the plate. However, even work isn’t an excuse anymore, Co-ops are everywhere anymore.

  13. The only reason Mueller is done investigating is because Barr is AG and Barr has a different, and proper interpretation of the obstruction of justice clauses in law. There’s a whole article out by Will Chamberlain explaining it.

    That’s one for Barr, and his proclamation that he’s going to get to the bottom of things is another.

    But i am not willing to give him any real credit at all until the crooks are perp walked and prosecuted.
    Remember, Mccabe has been referred to the DOJ for prosecution for a very long time now and nothing has been done about it.

    Feel good bluster from Trump and Barr is wearing thin with me. I want those corrupt leftist criiminals who used nothing but bs reports paid for by Clinton to pursue law enforcement actions, to be

  14. ok sign

    Exactly correct, they need to be put back on their heels ASAP! Seeing some actual harsh consequences for their criminality would subdue much of this insane activism.


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