The Democrats’ ‘Election Denier’ Sophistry – IOTW Report

The Democrats’ ‘Election Denier’ Sophistry

American Thinker:

By Richard McDonough

Chuck Todd: “Why are you supporting an election denialist [the New Hampshire Republican senate candidate Chris Bolduc] and do you think the inflation issue is enough to [justify supporting an election denier]”?

Chris Sununu: “Let me tell you, you’re in a bubble, man.”

Todd: “You think [inflation issues] should be prioritized over election denialism?”

Sununu: “Of course! … [That’s] why … a whole bunch of these Democrats are going to get fired [on Nov. 7, 2022]”

Meet the Press, Oct. 31, 2022

The recent exchange between Chuck Todd, presenter on NBC’s Meet the Press, and Chris Sununu, governor of New Hampshire, was illuminating for a number of reasons.  Chuck Todd has not been this upset since Texas’s Gov. Abbott sent 50 poor Venezuelans to Martha’s Vineyard, the Democrats’ safe, quaint, quiet, mostly white elitist paradise that “liberals” desperately want to keep rigorously illegal alien–free.  Sununu’s sin is that he supports his state’s Republican candidate for the Senate, Don Bolduc, and this, Todd informs him, is not acceptable to the left, which now believes that it has the right to decide whom Republicans are permitted to support for higher office.

Gov. Sununu responds, correctly, that Todd lives in a (liberal) bubble because the voters are concerned not with alleged “election deniers,” but with the economy, crime, children’s education, etc.  However, there is a more basic problem with Todd’s question (and implicit argument that so-called “election deniers” are not acceptable candidates).

The first point is that Todd and others who have suddenly cultivated an aversion against “election deniers” are themselves in denial.  Democrats have “denied” elections for decades, but for some mysterious reason, the category of “election denier” was coined only recently, when Donald Trump “denied” the victory of Joe Biden in an election the Democrat-media complex had employed “any means necessary” to “win.” 

Al Gore denied the 2000 election for months, tying up the Bush transition team in lawsuits while Osama bin Laden was planning the terror attacks on America.  Hillary Clinton “denied” the 2016 election, claiming, falsely, that Trump won because he colluded with Russia to steal the election when, in fact, Hillary and the DNC had bought the Trump-Russia dossier to frame Donald Trump and steal the election from the American people (yes they are that shameless).  Stacey Abrams denied the 2018 Georgia governor’s election when she claimed, falsely, that the election was stolen from her.  Hillary Clinton has already denied the 2024 election two years before it is even held (yes, she is that shameless). MORE HERE

2 Comments on The Democrats’ ‘Election Denier’ Sophistry

  1. Biden to give another speech tonite (genius idea during Gm 5 World Series), expect it to be all about Mega-MAGA Republicans, election denier accusations like Todd is making, and violence & threats to our “democracy”. Anything to distract from the economy in the last few days to Nov 8.


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