The Democrats’ gerontocrats – IOTW Report

The Democrats’ gerontocrats

American Thinker: Like the old gray men of the Kremlin, the Democratic Party is led by gerontocrats.  Like their socialist counterparts from that bygone era in the 1980s, they just don’t want to leave.  Nancy Pelosi’s recent insistence on staying, despite her obvious health failings, is but one example, and there are others.  According to Mike Allen’s Axios, the top three Democrats in the House leadership are all near 80 years old.  And it extends to the Democrats who’d like to unseat President Trump in the next election.

Axios writes:

Three of the most talked-about 2020 contenders are Sen. Bernie Sanders, 76; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 68; and former Vice President Joe Biden, 74.

Hillary Clinton, now 70, should be added to the list as well.

If I had to guess why this is happening, my first would be that these people are all socialists, and socialism, as an idea, fails in action every time you try it.  It’s spent, and as the Venezuelan default piece I wrote this morning shows, it’s absolutely unable to point the finger at itself to rectify its errors and then reform.

My second thought was that the Democrats did manage to get a socialist in power eight years ago: the youthful Barack Obama, who campaigned on race and “making history” and image to such an extent that he was able to obscure the socialism he was really about.  The Democrats might not be able to try that trick again, given that the U.S. is in critical need of a growing economy and has barely started on that path with the election of President Trump.  The Venezuelan alternative of no growth along with ruin and default as the result of nineteen years of socialism is too well known, at least for now.

The other socialist the Democrats were able to insert into the presidency, Bill Clinton, got there on both youth and the offering of socialism lite.  That may hold more promise for winning elections if Democrats can embrace incrementalism rather than disguise their socialism by race.  But the Democratic base has swung hard left, and for Democrats, that will be a tall order.

The gerontocratic phenomenon suggests that with Obama gone, Democrats have entered a picture of late-stage socialism.  more here

5 Comments on The Democrats’ gerontocrats

  1. The very elderly members of Congress likely have retained their seats for years by having rigged elections arranged in their favor. Corruption is rampant in elections and money+power rules. Just like Soros is doing now. The dead Senator Robert Byrd was in his 90s while still in congress. Dementia doesn’t matter, nor does being amoral, as long as the member can create and VOTE on bills and enact government actions, such as in doling out $billions. Any member who tries to rectify the status quo of corruption gets the boot, or tends to die in plane crashes.

  2. Add Ruth Ginsberg to the list. Love of power would be the only reason she didn’t quit the SCOTUS while the last socialist was in office.
    But I suppose she was sure Killary would be elected then she could have a “historic” event when Killary appointed another in her image to the court.

  3. Don’t like euphemisms…why not call them what they are? They are Communists, plain and simple. Communists and Democrats have been joined at the hip since FDR. (For doubters, just do the research.)

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