Patriot Retort: How many times has Nancy Pelosi played up her Catholicism? We get lectures from the gin-soaked boozehound on a regular basis about her Catholic faith, don’t we?

She’s a practicing Catholic, don’t you know. She’s prayerful and her faith devout.
Remember that infamous press conference when reporter James Rosen queried Saint Nancy about the possibility that the foolhardy impeachment was fueled by hatred for President Trump?
Sure you do!
She got all up on her high horse and lectured Rosen about just what a devout Catholic she is. more
Please dear Lord smite them
…just so you know, even the FakePope Catholic Church officially considers Nancy too reprobate about killing babies to let her partake in communion…
“Cardinal Burke: Nancy Pelosi ‘must’ be denied Communion”
“Asked about Pelosi, he said, “Certainly this is a case when Canon 915 must be applied.”
Canon 915 states that those who are “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”
“This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic,” the cardinal said. “I fear for Congresswoman Pelosi if she does not come to understand how gravely in error she is. I invite her to reflect upon the example of St. Thomas More who acted rightly in a similar situation even at the cost of his life.””
‘Rats leave ’em alone when they do this, and kill women. From Edward Kennedy to Anthony Kennedy. Bork was awesome.
She’s got the God you have to wind up on Sundays. Jethro Tull.
Phony to the core. Most organized religion is.
Like a Catholic Talking Tina god.
Democrat catholics are like Mafia catholics… A bunch of criminals pretending like God is going to forgive them one day because they paid off some faggot faux-priest to tell them so.
They might have a Catholic problem in their ranks, Biden, Pelosi, Cuomo, etc., but WE have a Catholic SCOTUS.
Take that bitches…regardless of HOW they vote? That IS the ‘case’…
Forgot to mention the heinous Kennedy family.
The last good Catholic Dem politician was Daniel Moynihan.
He was a Classic Liberal, of which there is NO MORE.
Asking a question. For myself.
First a little background. My mom is 88 and lives in southern Nevada. I live in Virginia. Earlier in the year I was booked for a flight for a visit, but Mom was in full
blown panic mode of my visit and asked me to postpone. Not because she was afraid that I would bring the chinese red death westward, but creepy Nevada Governor had her worried that I would bring it home to my bride.
Plan B. The grueling drive. I no longer want the plane ride, but I haven’t done this drive since 1977.
My question is, most of the occasional overnights along Route 40 will be safe. But where should I ABSOLUTELY NOT stay. If I were to undertake this journey?
@Phenry – we have lots to discuss. AS YOU know we JUST accomplished this feat and would LOVE to share how to make it so.
We did not get even a chance to discuss our journey yet with you so now is the time. Interstate I-40 looks like a perfect route for you.
For the iOTWr’s, if you wish to travel on the road, just avoid large cities by staying at more unknown towns either just before or just after that given city. There are these fun little towns ALL OVER The place.
IOW establish the distances you wish to travel on a daily basis and develop where you stay ‘BASED’ on that.
Seek out the places where people are BASED.
Sorry about the fear that your mom has as a result of these dam…breathe…
We need a travel thread.
@PHenry. I did a I-40 NC to CA in 1993 and pulled into a West Memphis AR Motel, gun shots and sirens all night. I slept with my M-1 Garand. Today, on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being most safe, it got a 1. Pass on through quickly.
Or, do the Catholics have a Democrat problem?🤔
I get the avoidance of all major metro areas.
Any place on 40 that I should stop? Something like America?
There are some interesting places in towns where Route 66 parallels I-40. I liked staying in Tucumcari, although I haven’t been through there in three or four years.
@Ornery1 – Well in ’85 I stopped in East St Louis at a gas station…not a good decision. Found ourselves in the ghetto, so to say. In the gas station people (black) were bare footed.
Never saw that in the da Bronx…
@Phenry – I’ll think of something. Oh wait, how about the Four Corners Monument? You can stand, well put two legs and two arms each in a state.
I’ll come up with more Americana…
@PHenry, you know the trip we did and with our experience believe it or not, do family friendly hotels and towns. The troublemakers stay away from any children establishments (for now). We need to talk. I’ll assist in anyway I can to help you select the comfortable places to stay on your way to see Mom!
God Bless us all!
@ ghost of brig gen j glover SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 8:26 PM
Used to enjoy him on the Sunday shows. A man of honor and a Democrat, something that I haven’t seen in a long damn time.
Too many Democrat Catholics are kinda like most Democrat lawyers.
They are well educated enough that when they fail as Christians and go over to the other side they can twist
the rules to fool others into joining them in sin.
Their BIG PROBLEM is they do not fool God.
Too many Democrat Catholics are kinda like most Democrat lawyers.
They are well educated enough that when they fail as Christians and go over to the other side they can twist the rules to fool others into joining them in sin.
Their BIG PROBLEM is they do not fool God.
I suggest looking at the mid-sized towns along 1-40 and seeing which ones are in the top one hundred for criminal activity. Once you do that, you’ll have a better idea of what to avoid.
Last time I drove cross country I had my 9mm automatic in my room every night. My first night was in Beaumont TX and I didn’t realize at the time that it is a dangerous place. I would never overnight there again.
@JDHasty – Just how far back does your Sunday viewing go?
@Phenry – here is a good travel map YOU can trust…
You never know what can ‘pop’ up but hey life is about risks…and seeing Mom.
Now…let’s talk vehicle type? Comfort is KEY… to your trip.
Don’t stay in New Mexico. Our “D” governorette has mandated that if one comes in from out of state, one has to self-quarantine for 14 days.
PHenry: We stayed at the Route 66 Casino RV Park, just West of Albuquerque. don’t know about their hotel, but the RV park and casino were very nice and clean. Indian owned and operated, very nice people.
Only lapsed Catholics need apply.
She’s a cafeteria Catholic, don’t you know.
And the worst were,are the Kennedys.