The ‘DeSantis Is Trump Without the Baggage’ Crowd is in for a Rude Awakening – IOTW Report

The ‘DeSantis Is Trump Without the Baggage’ Crowd is in for a Rude Awakening

He’s right. No “R” (including RINO) in 2024 is going to avoid a severe beat down in the press.
[Besides, the winner has already been chosen for you. Ain’t that right, Coomer?]

American Thinker: Since President Trump left office, many of the “trustworthy” media outlets have created a talking point that is now held by a minority, yet noticeable number of Conservative Americans.  The belief is “DeSantis is Trump, without the baggage.” This group supported President Trump’s policies and felt he did a tremendous job as president, but now feel the baggage that came with Trump would not be present with Ron DeSantis.  Many have taken this a step further and believe this baggage would give DeSantis (or others) a better chance of winning in a general election against the Democrat nominee than President Trump.  

The first and most important angle to consider when analyzing this stance is the present reality of American elections.  President Trump’s seemingly insurmountable election night leads in 2020, which were significantly larger than his leads throughout the night in 2016, somehow vanished into slim Biden victories.  In other words: Without our corrupt election systems being corrected, it doesn’t matter who runs since the winner is predetermined.  Trump didn’t cost us; the election was stolen.  But for the sake of this discussion, we’ll say that our elections are free and fair.   MORE

51 Comments on The ‘DeSantis Is Trump Without the Baggage’ Crowd is in for a Rude Awakening

  1. Doesn’t matter for the reason mentioned above. Baggage? Several freight cars full are fine if the deep state/communists want the candidate. No baggage? Baggage of all types, styles, sizes, colors and flavors are at the fingertips of the deep state/communist/media/DNC. Just reach out and touch someone, so to speak. I think we ought get Rasputin out of the ground and run him! Or disinter Andrew Jackson and run him… for all the good it’ll do. SMOD? Hell, have Kim Jong Un over for a bit and run him! Or Xi!

    Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining, please. Vote, don’t fail to do so, but understand this all is a charade of miserable and shitty proportions.

  2. “Politics ain’t beanbag: ‘tis a man’s game, and women, children ‘n’ pro-hy-bitionists had best stay out of it.”

    DeSantis should have been smart enough to have let it be known early and often that so long as the candidate who got more legitimate votes for President EVER was even considering running that he was going to stay the hell out of it and out of his way.

    … and the author is 100% correct, the last thing conservative voters, real conservative voters, need or want is Goddamn women, children ‘n’ pro-hy-bitionists selling their latest iteration of horseshit politically correct, low energy, LOOSER approach to politics.

  3. “The Dems will find DeSantis’ baggage even if they have to pack it themselves.”

    They already have it. They won’t use it now because Trump still scares the shit out of them. They would much rather face DeSantis than Trump. The MSM, including FOX, will treat DeSantis like he’s squeaky clean until the day he earns the nomination. And then look out.
    On the other hand, imagine how clean Trump has to have been to not have any of the mountains of shit thrown at him not stick.

  4. Trump, again, is the Right man at the Worst time.
    No more honest a politician.
    No more brazen a man.
    We know his baggage, and we know whats fake news!
    I want a president who loves America & real Americans

  5. @mod: I liked Trump’s mean tweets. Trump has baggage that he thinks is just fine. Fine with him but not fine with me. I’ll sit out the next election and not beat myself up for voting for my demise.

  6. Oh, I like the Trump/Grenell idea. Bonus points for the GOPe and Left tying themselves in knots trying to knock down a gay vice president candidate. That is Grenell, right? There are two guys I constantly get confused about. I think it’s Grenell and… well, now I can’t remember the other guy’s name. But whenever either is on I’m always asking myself whether it’s one or the other.

  7. I like Trump just the way he is. He’s not a pretender, and he either speaks or writes what’s on his mind. We aren’t living in a teevee show where the lead role is being played by someone that is behaving the way some Hollywood shithead thinks it should be played, and having “leaders” reading a script written by some liberal, communist bastards is one reason we are in this pile of crap that we find ourselves. I’ll take Trump anyway over any of the pretenders!

  8. Grenell will push his gay specialness to the front whenever he deems it to be politically expedient….(look it up. it goes back to at least 2014)…..I’m just done with faggots and their need to be faaaabulous….3% of the population just needs to shut up and do their jobs…..

  9. Ron DeSantis is great as governor of Florida. The differences between DeSantis and Trump are exactly why I do NOT want DeSantis in the White House.

    DeSantis is careful to avoid saying exactly what are the policy differences he has with Trump, but the GOPe/globalist support for a DeSantis run for president should tell you an awful lot about why he should stay here in Florida.

    p.s. In case you didn’t know, Florida requires an elected official to resign his current office before starting a campaign for another office. That’s why DeSantis hasn’t declared yet.

  10. Brad: all these people who say we should find someone else and not go with Trump because he is so devisive seem to forget just how terrible such Republicrats as McCain and Romney were were said to be by the Dems.

  11. RadioMattM

    I think several people have written that the establishment needs to destroy Trump, not only bad enough that he will never run again, but bad enough to discourage any other outsider from running again.
    It’s a small club, and we ain’t in it.

  12. FWIW:

    At least your elections REQUIRE that they be STOLEN,

    Quebec, Toronto, & the Welfare East Coast actually WANT the Liberals & Justine. (Try accepting that reality)

  13. “It’s Grenell. He served as Trumps acting Director of National Intelligence. And did an awesome job.”

    I thought it was him. I honestly can’t identify who I keep confusing with him but there is someone. I’ve also never heard him bring up his being gay either. I mean, I know it comes up because it’s known but it’s not something he talks about that I’ve seen. He just does the job he’s asked to do. Something we dearly need.

  14. BevWKy

    He lives next to Suzanne Summers down in Palm Springs. I follow them both on Instagram. She’s a hard core conservative too. But he holds no punches when going after our enemies. I don’t care if he’s gay. He gets the job done.

  15. We need our Governor to complete two terms.
    I’m roughly the same age as President Trump. Like him, I’m an active 76 year old. Physically, I do over 130,000 steps a week.
    However, the left will compare him to Biden in terms of his age at the beginning of the 2025 term. That’s ridiculous as Biden wasn’t at his prime 30 years ago. I have confidence in President Trump to do well campaigning and serving a belated non consecutive term.

  16. Who do they want to bury? That’s the man for the job.
    Is Trump right about everything? Hell no.
    But he drives them nuts and keeps them up at night 24-7.
    Anybody think his intent was/is to screw America? Siting out on this is not a plan to help save America. The biggest problem is the cheating. Arizona showed that.
    Banana Republic.

  17. The fact that Trump has more baggage than a Samsonite warehouse is irrefutable.
    The fact that DeSantis has next to no negative history is irrefutable.
    Let’s acknowledge those facts.
    You can still prefer Trump over DeSantis.
    You need not lie or ignore reality.

    THEY want a house divided.
    Of course the reality is that 2020 was stolen, they did similar shit in 2022, and already plan to do the same in 2024.

  18. “The fact that DeSantis has next to no negative history is irrefutable.”

    Okay, maybe. But if so explain to me why I’m just now hearing that DeSantis was in the US Congress. Still don’t know anything about his voting while there, however. The only thing people talk about is how “strong” he’s been as governor. Which is great but not the whole story.

  19. “The fact that DeSantis has next to no negative history is irrefutable.”

    That’s Bull Shit. Because you haven’t heard about it doesn’t mean in doesn’t exist. Read my first post on this thread.
    Trump has no baggage. Allegations are not baggage.

  20. Also what exactly is Trump’s baggage?

    Keep in mind that I will ignore anything about how he talks, communicates or acts. It has to be either business or policy decisions that are PROVEN to be something he did wrong or it’s irrelevant.

    And saying he chose the wrong people while in office doesn’t cut the mustard either. Why? Because a RINO would go whole hog with those same people. Or worse.

    Look no one is saying Trump hasn’t made mistakes. But even making them he accomplished so much for the country in a very short period of time. Otherwise the establishment wouldn’t be so dead set against him.

    Do we need fresh blood? Well, yeah. Eventually, at least. But it isn’t because Trump has some mysterious baggage that no one else does.

    Okay rant over. I think. 😉

  21. “Trump has no baggage. Beg to differ, fat boy is nothing but baggage.
    DeSantis 2024”

    Name his baggage. You can’t. Just typing shit down doesn’t make it true. They’ve thrown everything at the man except the kitchen sink. Nothing has stuck.
    How did Epstein get a free pass from the Florida judicial system after being convicted of sex cries with minors and who was serving as a Florida prosecuting attorney at the time? Was there some history there? Why yes there was.

  22. ^^^^Losing big donors left & right. When the Koch brothers formally support DeSantis for President it will be lights out for your boy. Koch brothers, 2nd largest private corporation in America.
    DeSantis 2024

  23. The Koch Brothers. LOL. You’ve officially hit Moron status. The Koch Bro, there’s only one now, never supported Trump because the very last thing they are is America First. But just keep typing. You’re funny.

  24. Loco

    You’re using Libtard tactics again. Name said baggage.
    Oh, I know. He’s a Russian asset. Don’t address the DeSantis Epstein connection though. I’m done. Arguing with you is like wrestling with a pig.

  25. BevWKY: “explain to me why I’m just now hearing that DeSantis was in the US Congress.”

    Did you also not know that Ron did a stint in Iraq?
    Does YOU not knowing his past = baggage?

    Since congress critters have short two year terms and there are more than 400 of them at any given time, not knowing about them means little.
    How many can you name right now?

  26. Brad, 1 word:
    I could make a long list but I will spare you.

    The thing is though, most people don’t care about “grab em” comments in the past.
    They do, however care about his CURRENT lies about DeSantis.
    Trump pushing his own “fake news” takes that away from his arsenal against the MSM.
    Trump needs to focus on what he will do, win hearts and minds.
    NOT tell a bunch of fucking easily disprovable lies.

  27. Trump telling John McCain “I prefer soldiers that do not get captured.”

    THAT right there cost US the repeal of Obamacare.
    That was the most ridiculous, stupid, retarded, outrageous, moronic thing ANYONE has ever said.
    Dumbass had diarrhea of the mouth.

    Tweeting stupid shit at 2 AM is another thing we can do without.
    So, yeah, baggage out the ass.

    I’m willing to forgive if he stops with the BS lies about REPUBLICANS who HAVEN’T EVEN DECLARED YET!

  28. Yes Brad, Trump did appoint* Fauci.
    Effectively standing behind that asshole and Birx on a daily basis while they spoke of mandates, masks, control, vaccines, etc, was an affirmation.

    And now, unfuckingbelieveably, Trump is complaining about Florida beaches being closed for two weeks!
    It’s on video that Trump bitched that DeSantis was re-opening up too soon.
    You WANT to be lied to Brad, that is fine.
    I DO NOT!

  29. “Yes Brad, Trump did appoint* Fauci.”

    Wrong, AGAIN. That’s the problem I have debating you. Yo don’t know any factual shit. Clinton appointed Fauci as head of the Center For Disease Control. Not the one with tits. Fauci has served 7 Presidents.

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