The Devil and Mr. Sims – IOTW Report

The Devil and Mr. Sims


The devil (playing Hooky from Hell) has a tendency of throwing spittle-flecked hissy fits whenever confronted with religious symbols.  Ditto for Democrat Pennsylvania state rep. Brian Sims,  who went ballistic all for spotting an elderly lady quietly praying The Rosary in front of a Planned Parenthood facility.

Satan,  and his demons, “who roam throughout this world seeking the ruin of souls”,  is an evil fixture in the reality of life in the Valley of Tears.  Sims,  an elected politician who harasses elderly women and teenaged girls, lives in the surrealism of the hatefest world shoved down the throats of the masses by roaming members of the seriously unhinged Democrat Party.


Who for eight minutes long would rant and rave at an elderly woman quietly praying,  post a video of it online and go on to brag about it on Twitter?

Calls for Brian Sims to ‘immediately resign’ for harassing pro-lifers are increasing, Fox News reports.

In a world where wearing a MAGA baseball cap can get you physically attacked and where holding an opinion that differs from Progressive masters can get you doxed, don’t anybody please hold their breath waiting for Sims to reign.

He’ll be running for president next.

“There have been growing calls for Brian Sims, a Democratic state representative in Pennsylvania who came under fire after videos surfaced of him harassing an elderly pro-life woman, to resign. (Fox News, May 9, 2019)

“The calls grew louder after a video emerged of him offering online viewers $100 to dox teenage girls praying peacefully outside a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.”

We don’t know how many Sims’ fans sent him $100 for the doxing of praying teen girls, but we do known that an online petition started by has garnered over 9,500 signatures as of yesterday morning. (24,974 signatures as of posting)

Will his next spittle-flecked hissy fit be forthcoming over the LifeNews online petition?  more here

24 Comments on The Devil and Mr. Sims

  1. Answer to Anymouse: The most powerful thing to do, would be to go down to the clinic and join her in prayer! And get as many likeminded believers to go along. We serve a mighty God. And, our battle is not against people, but, Satan and principalities of darkness, as noted above by BFH.

  2. That hundred dollar offer to disclose the identities and addresses of the teenagers – I can think of all sorts of both misdemeanor and felony criminal charges that could result from that including making a terroristic threat against minors.

    But I doubt anything will come of it, at least not in the sense of criminal prosecution.

  3. Or if one of those teenage girls were my daughter, Anymouse. I’ll keep my own counsel, thanks. Wouldn’t want to contribute one bit to this asshole’s victimhood ploy, which is coming just as certainly as his bitchy non-apology came yesterday. His district must be gay-gentrified for him to feel so comfortable bullying Christians.

  4. Anymouse
    MAY 10, 2019 AT 8:51 AM
    Today’s question is:

    “If the lady tolling the beads was a family member, what would you be called on to do?

    I’ll check in later tonight…”

    …to Indimex’s point, it would be good to get BETWEEN Sims and the lady, and start praying loudly…FOR HIM.

    …after all, it’s NOT the WELL that need The Physician, but the SICK…and HE’S demonstrably pretty ill, in spirit…

    …that said, have a legally concealed sidearm close to hand, for demons don’t LIKE to be driven out, and you may end up on legitimate fear for your life, the ladies life, or BOTH, and need to be able to end the threat quickly…

  5. It’s obvious that Jim Acosta’s aggressive behavior toward women only encourages other gay men to behave badly towards women. Own your responsibility, Abilio.

  6. A soft answer or a prayerful answer does turn away wrath from crazed pro aborts who attack you both verbally and physically. Verbal attacks are easier to handle but physical attacks might just call for an attack back on them. It took everything within me once when I was rescuing and was confronted by a very vile, nasty, spiritually ugly pro abort woman to not want to verbally assault her back or worse. She used every filthy, vulgar, dirty imaginable word that sailors use to call me every form of prolife, lousy, misinformed, woman hating SOB imaginable, she was worse than a drunken sailor with Tourette’s syndrome.

  7. He’s a punk cock breathed bully and he saw a perfect target to zero in on for the purpose of filming and posting for the other flaming maniacs. Just like any bully he’d scurry off like a rodent if confronted by someone willing to get in his face. Too bad nobody was around to see that, but then that’s why he chose an isolated older woman to harass. Fucking punk!

  8. It would be fun to bait this asshole with a little old rosary praying lady, and have someone like Brodus Clay (aka Tyrus) waiting in the wings to surprise him.

  9. Mickey Moussaoui
    MAY 10, 2019 AT 10:12 AM
    “There is something ABSURD about a homosexual sodomite lecturing anyone over morality.”

    …what with “Obama”, that Buttgay guy, the cake-baking crowd…yeah, we DO seem to get that a lot these days…

  10. Unfortunately the Pennsylvania State Senate has decided not to encumber itself with something as boring as Recall Rules for state legislatures (or any state people at all) so this bully boy is in until the next election when his video of harassing an old woman praying and threatening the doxing of teenage girls will become an election ad.

  11. Zonga MAY 10, 2019 AT 2:36 PM
    Would it be unchristian to pray with a bodyguard carrying a baseball bat and pepper spray?


    You’re good to go.

    File it under “Not being a fool”

  12. I believe I detect a trend here. Believe a majority would engage in the project of rearranging his body parts. While I’m too old to participate and recovering from a recent surgery, I would happily have your back while you completed the task in a workman like manner. The days of rolling around in the gravel are past, but Mr.J Frame and Mr. Tanfoglio would also assist me in covering your back.


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