“The Diary From Hell” – IOTW Report

“The Diary From Hell”

Tucker Carlson discusses Ashley Biden’s diary.

16 Comments on “The Diary From Hell”

  1. I’ve posted in the past that these “revelations” are not in any way going to lessen the appeal individuals like Joe Biden enjoy within the ranks the progressive base.

    This behavior is what progressives aspire to. Hunter Biden is not pitiful in their eyes, his life is what they look to with envy. They are as fucked up as a football bat, clinical depression is ubiquitous in dense populations of Progs irrespective of their income. They envy the likes of the Biden’s, but don’t resent the bastards the way they do anyone who has managed to live a joyous and fulfilling life irrespective of the situation they find themselves in.

    Progressivism = Marxism = Progressivism and Marxism is based on materialism. Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds matter to be the fundamental substance in nature, and all things, including mental states and consciousness, are results of material interactions.

  2. @JDHasty June 19, 2022 at 12:34 pm

    > Marxism is based on materialism. Materialism is a form of philosophical monism

    Damn, it JD! I’m a doctor! (well, I’ve got a doctorate) Not a thinker!

    I won’t think! And you can’t make me!

    Stupid rights, are human rights!

  3. @ …Like Voters Didn’t Know He Was A Pedo Going In… JUNE 19, 2022 AT 1:12 PM

    Absolutely, they knew. To support politicians who normalize pedophilia, pederasty, etc is motivated by a desire to serve and be noticed by the one they have sold their soul to. They also get off on it. They live vicariously through the acts committed by the likes of practically every one of the Biden clan.

  4. Debauchery and perversion are hallmarks of a pagan lifestyle that the progressive elite have elevated to a godless religious status.
    Since they despise God, His righteousness, they have nothing except materialism. Ironically, materials/natural elements are a manifested creation of God.

    Progressives are never fully aware of their glaring hypocrisy in the desire to have control which is fragile. They can’t replace God who has ultimate control and exposes the left’s evil schemes.

    The depraved lifestyles of the Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, etc. doesn’t matter to the left who blindly want a few elites in control of culture, industry, technology, politics. Anything that stands in the way of their control, like the U.S. Constitution must be destroyed.

    The death of millions through wars, pandemics, starvation are the means they use to maintain authority over everyone – everything. How this all plays out is again, determined by God who will keep His promise to defeat evil men.


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