“The Dirty Dozen”: University of British Columbia Professor Fired After Doxxing Students Who Dropped Her Class – IOTW Report

“The Dirty Dozen”: University of British Columbia Professor Fired After Doxxing Students Who Dropped Her Class

Jonathan Turley: We often follow controversies at universities over free speech and academic freedom issues, but few are quite so bizarre as the case of Dr. Amie Wolf. Wolf was fired after a period of paid administrative leave due to her attacks on 12 students who transferred out of her Indigenous Education in Canada course. Wolf has since lashed out at the university and other professors, including a vulgar diatribe.  She is vowing to challenge the action of the university which she insists is due to her refusal to “assimilate to the institution’s norms” as “an academic who identifies as female Indigenous.”  While I am certainly no expert on Canadian law, that would seem highly difficult on these facts if pursued as a legal action. (Perhaps some of our Canadian academics or lawyers could contribute on such claims).

The University of British Columbia hired Wolf in 2015 to be an Aboriginal education consultant at the UBC Sauder School of Business. She also served as a lecturer on Indigenous education. She was recently terminated after she doxxed a dozen students who transferred out of her Indigenous Education in Canada course.  However, the termination without cause reportedly allowed her to receive a lump sum payment under her contract.Wolf published their names and, according to a conservative site, stated in a later interview that she wanted to be sure that they would be unable to get a job as clearly “unfit.” 

We have often discussed professors under fire for controversial or extremist statements on social media or blog posts. I often oppose discipline for such statements even when professors espouse hatred or support violence against those with opposing views. As we have previously discussed, one professor called for more Trump supporters to be killed. Rhode Island Professor Erik Loomis, who writes for the site Lawyers, Guns, and Money, said he saw “nothing wrong” with the killing of a conservative protester — a view defended by other academics.  While sites like Lawyers, Guns, and Money feature writers like law professor Paul Campus who call for the firing of those with opposing views (including myself), it is not their commitment to free speech but our own that must guide our actions.

This is different. This is actively seeking to harm students through doxxing. This type of conduct has come up before. CNN legal analyst and Stanford lecturer Asha Rangappa doxxed a student journalist for criticizing her.  However, that did not appear to involve a student at Stanford. MORE

18 Comments on “The Dirty Dozen”: University of British Columbia Professor Fired After Doxxing Students Who Dropped Her Class

  1. Did I read the full article correctly? She considers herself native because one of her distant relatives (but not a direct antecedent?) married a native. Therefore this person is indigenous by “lateral descent.” Excuse me? What the hell is this? Race by association?

  2. WTF??? What could a course called “Indigenous Education in Canada” consist of? Phony Indian teaching a phony course to students that are pursuing phony degrees! That sound about right?

  3. Looks to me like 12 students now should band together and sue Amy Wolf personally and then the university for not doing a better job of creating a safe learning environment with free thought and rights of expression.

  4. UBC is/was considered one of the best universities in Canada. This certainly erodes that reputation. (Now, that erosion may have been already advanced 35 years ago, evidenced when they accepted me as a transfer student. I never found out, as they tripled tuition for non-residents a few weeks before I was planning to move there.)

    It is encouraging that 12 students were smart enough to drop her class. Is it sign of a post Suzuki correction? Probably not, but one can hope.

  5. @ACParker

    UBC’s real programs are very very good but they have a lot of Greenie Salmon Mouth Fuckers there now. (like a lot of places, they detract from real studies as is evidenced by this type of Professor).

    Hands down The University of Toronto is way on top in most programs. Each university in various parts of Canada has areas of strength. My Kid got accepted at U of T but she picked elsewhere. It is All study and a huge amount of foreign students that leave in the summer. It lacks a certain amount of community. Even among students from other schools it is acknowledged that U of T is seriously the best.

    Jordan Peterson best!

    Personally, when I Semi-retire, I’m moving to Kingston where Queens University is located. Great Town, wonderful people, Close to the USA, and Canada’s Royal Military College is there.
    Easy for Tradesmen to get HVAC & Boiler work there.

  6. Dominion voting is less than 10 miles from my house.

    Turdeau was the stupidest leader before your last election.
    (see above)

    New gun rules: Air soft guns are now BANNED in Canada.

    Not 1 vaccine manufacturing facility in Canada.

    Our Conservative premier has had Ontario Locked Down since Dec 26th.

    Quebec has an outright curfew 8 or 9 pm (Can’t remember)

    Toronto Maple Leafs

    The term “Fart Rape” was coined and first discussed in:
    T O R O N T O (look it up)

    Jim Carey.

    Overall Tax rate of 52% with Medical premium costing the average family of four $12,000/year in Pre-Tax Dollars but somehow everyone up here thinks it is free?????

  7. Dude……you…..you wanna’ hide out from ‘The Man’ on this side of the border? Just help me rewire the barn and you can totally live there. It has running water.

    Can’t think of what else you could possibly need….


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