The Disinformation Governance Board Is Out. The “Foreign Malign Influence Center” Is In. – IOTW Report

The Disinformation Governance Board Is Out. The “Foreign Malign Influence Center” Is In.

Summit News:
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Disinformation Governance Board met an ignoble demise last year, when it was disbanded within months, amid public criticism and staff-related scandal.

Despite being derisively referred to as “the Ministry of Truth” – i.e., a US government’s alleged attempt to create an Orwellian-like institution – it was a fairly safe bet that the strong backlash notwithstanding, the initiative would rear its head again at some point. Soon.

Meet the Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC), located at the Office of the Director of US National Intelligence (ODNI). Some sentiment suggest that this might be a Disinformation Governance Board 2 – what with a similar declarative focus on foreign threat, which is then easy to transition, as a smokescreen, to turning the authorities’ sights onto “domestic dissenters.”

And that would mean more censorship, in effect flying under the radar, critics fear.

A deceptive tactic, they continue, which could easily use foreign threats simply as an excuse to influence politics at home. MORE HERE

9 Comments on The Disinformation Governance Board Is Out. The “Foreign Malign Influence Center” Is In.

  1. Criticizing the blackmail payments to Ukraine?
    Complaining about politicians lining their pockets with defense contractor money?
    Expressing anger over wide open borders?

    DISINFORMATION!!! Look forward to 3 am visits from the FBI and ATF. You will be censored and banned from all social media and blog sites.
    Etc, etc.

  2. beachmom,

    I hope they bring plenty of bodybags. 3am visits or no 3am visits. The public ain’t gonna put up with it for long.

    Ever heard of a Venus Fly trap?

  3. If anyone who thought the Disinformation Governance Board was going away permanently was a fool.
    When Government is so heavily involved in propaganda (lies) at the highest level, to manipulate society, disinformation governance lives and thrives in the shadows of many agency locations.

  4. To their credit Demonrats never take no for an answer, their satanic evil slime merely slithers to a new point of least resistance. Lucifer is the ultimate shape shifter and will not be denied,

    Just change the name, move the goalposts and keep on slithering you evil fucks…

    BTW the MN senate just quietly put the pedo protection back into the law after the House had to withdraw it after public outcry.

    See how that works?

  5. Cisco Kid, MN isn’t the only state trying to protect groomers.
    A Maine state legislator, who is from away, is trying to change the state constitution to protect bodily autonomy.
    Sounds good at first glance but taking a closer look it would make Maine a child mutilation destination for those sick parents who want their kids’ body parts cut off.


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