The Dream Team Loses to the Nobodies – IOTW Report

The Dream Team Loses to the Nobodies

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review

When figurehead Robert Mueller likely allowed Andrew Weissman to form his special counsel team to investigate so-called charges of Russian collusion involving Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Kremlin, Washington elites became bouncy. The high-profile legal “powerhouse” lineup immediately looked like a sure-thing—an elite slaughter of the yokels.

As they perused the résumés of the New York and Washington prosecutors, and the Wilmer-Hale veterans, reporters were ecstatic that the supposedly straight-shooting Republican Mueller had turned his investigation into what the media soon boasted was a progressive “dream team” of “all-stars,” a veritable “hunter-killer team” of get-Trump professionals. One would have thought mere names and credentials win indictments, regardless of the evidence.

The subtext was that Trump had all but met his Waterloo. Indictments for conspiracy, obstruction, and worse yet inevitably would follow, until Trump either resigned in disgrace or was impeached. The media counterparts of the dream-team on MSNBC and CNN would make short work of the rubes. more

h/t Forcibly Deranged

4 Comments on The Dream Team Loses to the Nobodies

  1. Mueller’s public image pre-meltdown was pretty good: his vanity photos showed him as a vital (albeit corrupt traitor) man. Now we know the truth. He’s kinda like hillary clinton’s fake public image of her being able to sit up, or speak without getting drunk.

  2. The elitists equate a degree from an ivy league school with superior intellect.
    Most seek the credentials from these schools because of the doors it opens and the connections made, but it cannot give you something your brain is to small to exploit.
    Those with the snobbish attitude make the common mistake of underestimating the abilities and natural gifts of others who are able to get more out of their education thru effort irrespective of the school.
    These clowns were humiliated but I doubt they even realized it.

  3. In response to Gin Blossom – totally agree. I am reminded of the movie “Legally Blonde”, in which Elle is accepted to Harvard Law School with a BA in the History of the Polka Dot. She actually does have brains and can connect the dots, while her classmates are total snobbish elites.

  4. It is interesting how the left purports to be the saviours of the lower classes while in reality they are total elitists. They would be more than happy to see the coronation of Queen Hillary, since there does not seem to be a Kennedy in position for it at the present time – and since the Archbishop of Washingtonbury would be Arkancided anyway if he dared bestow the title of royalty on anyone else.


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