The Dummy Got Played – IOTW Report

The Dummy Got Played

Patriot Retort:

So much for House Democrats distancing themselves from that dummy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the Hate Squad.  Thanks to President Trump hanging these radicals around Nancy Pelosi’s neck like a millstone, the Speaker of the House had no choice but to ally herself with them.

“Fairness in our economy and diversity in our country.”

Yeah, those are the things American voters are really clamoring for.

But who here is the actual dummy?  AOC or Nancy Pelosi?

Well, given how easily President Trump turned the tables on her, I’m thinking Nancy’s the dummy.

11 Comments on The Dummy Got Played

  1. Nutty Nanners, like Hillary, is struggling with urinary catheter bag issues. Cut that dumb ass dizzy bitch some slack. Be grateful flys are not circling her drawers.

  2. Botoxious brainysms and silicon seepage
    It’s cumulative
    Nancy doesn’t comprehend how sick she is
    Do you see it?
    Clostridium, the causative agent of botulism is a major cause of diarrhea.

    Pieces of shit are floating through her membranes.
    So apropos, Nancy.
    Your future awaits AOC.

  3. “diversity in our country”?? Code phrase for more illegals, more mentally ill sex identity confused perverts, or more Muzzies? Or all three? Yeah, probably the whole list was meant. You can probably thrown in native born citizens that also hate their own country, too.

  4. Just remember, the newly re-elected President Hindenburg named a young upstart, A. Hitler as chancellor of Germany to quiet him down and keep him in check. How’d that work out? Pelosi needs a history refresher.

    Fun Fact: Nancy Pelosi’s father was the Mayor of Baltimore who put up all the Confederate statues there.

  5. If I understand right, after meeting with AOC Pelosi said they didn’t have any major differences.

    Which doesn’t surprise me, AOC stands for everything the Democrats stand for, she is just more open and honest about it than most of them want to be so they can keep their voters deceived.

  6. The 2020 election won’t be a slam dunk. It’s not crazy candidates you have to worry about, it’s crazy voters. Consider that at least half of the country is bona fide nuts to vote for democrats in the first place.

  7. Lazlo The Elder JULY 28, 2019 AT 10:00 AM

    When does the Democrat party, the Jack Kennedy democrats; boot these communists out of their party and return to some semblance of dignity?

    Oh man. Way past that.

    Jack Kennedy is a NAZI dictator now days.

    You won’t find any support among Dems for: “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You”.

    The guy that says that today is a far right NAZI totalitarian rapist misogynist earth-hating republican.

    Or so I’m told.


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