The Dutch Government Has Collapsed – IOTW Report

The Dutch Government Has Collapsed

CTH: The Netherlanders’ are a rather dramatic sort, organizing their system of governance on coalitions of various shades that agree to high-minded pleasantries as a way to remain above the fray of pesky conflict.  Alas, once a moment of core and consequential disagreement reaches an impasse, the entire Dutch government is said to “collapse.”

The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte traveled to Tunisa earlier this year, together with EU leaders pledging €1 billion in assistance if the North African gatekeepers could just stop the flow.  The effort didn’t work and his small country of 18 million, already dealing with major internal conflict driven by farmers and climate change, could not cope with the toxic political challenge of increased unlawful migration. MORE

17 Comments on The Dutch Government Has Collapsed

  1. The Dutch government fostered the intake of 100s of 1,000s of mostly arab & black people with no cultural, historical or traditional ties to The Netherlands.

    The Dutch government is trying to move 1,000s of farmers off their multi generational home because of the non existent problem of AGW.

    The Dutch government wants to massively curtail food production to reduce nitrogen.

    The conflict I’m seeing has definite pattern, I just can’t put my finger on it.

  2. So blaming “Climate Change” on Farmers didn’t work eh?

    That is why Turdeau & His Scum were so careful to blame the Protests on TRUCKERS, even though there was HUGE number of FARMERS there in Ottawa.

    The CiDiots would Starve, Freeze to death, & be without all the modern comforts without The rural & suburbs doing all the technical things these assholes need while they stick their faces in their Laptops & phones.

  3. MMinWA – The conflict I’m seeing has definite pattern, I just can’t put my finger on it.

    Klaus Schwab thinking that he presides over the fourth Reich with a new “Final Solution” xshould put that in perspective for you.

  4. Old Irish joke (from back when all the European nationalities could still make fun of each other):
    Why do the Dutch wear wooden shoes?
    To keep the woodpeckers off their heads!

  5. So, collapse is a bit of a drama queen statement. Parliamentary governments are subject to this turmoil. So are democracies. At least our founders aimed to dampen those swings with our representative republic approach and staggered election cycles. Only problem, is the two party system, and the degree to which the squeaky wheels get disproportionate attention, or in the leftists seemingly unfettered access to the reins of power via legislatures and courts.


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