The Earth is Growing? – IOTW Report

The Earth is Growing?

Neal Adams explains. Take a look.

h/t Heaux.

14 Comments on The Earth is Growing?

  1. Yeah and 120 parts per million rise of a trace gas in the atmosphere (CO2) that is essential for all life on earth is gonna “break” the planet. lol

    The people out there making policy really believe they got it all figured out and that’s a scary thought.


  2. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if most of what I learned in school about Earth is wrong. This is either true or it’s a specious argument. My question is, where is the extra matter making Earth bigger coming from?

  3. @diane reynolds

    I saw Earth spinning the wrong way too, but if you watch further, it starts going the right way when the narrator says, Now we’re going forward in time. The should have made it go one way when Earth gets smaller, and then spin the right way as it got bigger.

  4. ^^^ yeah it did spin clockwise for that part, but it was going anti-clockwise during the rest, while it was ‘growing’
    common core math says he is right- he’s a scientest, ya kno

  5. Any astrophysicists hereabouts? I think changing a planet’s mass has an effect on it’s orbit, it certainly would effect earth’s gravity. So now the earth has gotten bigger but NOT grown in mass? which is not impossible though I guess. My brain doesn’t get along with math after a couple drinks.


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