The easiest $70,530 you’ll ever make — with perks – IOTW Report

The easiest $70,530 you’ll ever make — with perks

Howie Carr: Are you having a hard time making ends meet in this inflationary Biden malaise?

Could you use an extra $70,530 a year — for a “job” where you never, ever have to show up, where the actual place where you would theoretically “work” hasn’t even been open to the public for two years now?

And that $70,530 a year — that’s minimum wage for a state legislator, you understand. They’re all also grabbing at least $16,245 for “travel expenses,” even though they’re not traveling to Boston anymore.

And most of them have also been handed even more money for some phony-baloney so-called leadership position, running committees that just rubber-stamp what they’re ordered to do.

Did I mention that if a legislator lives more than 50 miles from the State House, he or she can write off most of their federal income taxes, just like almost all members of Congress do?

And then there’s the campaign committee you can set up, which allows you to write off almost all your expenses. You can even buy gift cards for your constituents, who might very well happen to be your parents … or your girlfriend. You can charge all your bar tabs – just ask Rep. Mark Cusack, D-Braintree. more

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