The Education Federalism Executive Order – IOTW Report

The Education Federalism Executive Order

Donald Trump is continuing his work on limiting the federal government’s overreach into our everyday lives with yet another executive order that puts America first.

The President’s latest move centers around the American public school system, specifically grade school and high school, and the massive amount of access and influence that the federal government has over the formative years of America’s youth.  Today’s executive order will work to remove many, if not all aspects of government control from the school system, leading the way for a much more streamlined and cost efficient education sector.  The move also returns America’s education system back to its intended level of government involvement:  Little to none.  more here

11 Comments on The Education Federalism Executive Order

  1. I don’t see how that could be. He’s not a REAL conservative. Like the real conservatives that have said he’s not a real conservative. Fuck you Super Mex.

  2. You won’t hear about this on the “nightly news”. President Trump is doing a lot of really great work. If he had a congress of like minded souls, the sky would be the limit. But that, unfortunately, is not the case.

  3. Our socialists here on Guam will scream bloody
    murder about ANY federal dollar that this takes
    away from GDOE.
    I’ll laugh my ass off.
    Guam, Give Us American Money.

  4. “…will launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and guidance for school districts and directs Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to modify or repeal measures she deems an overreach by the federal government.”

    This order does nothing but allows DeVos to continue denying Common Core exists in the schools after the 300 day review. BS EO.

  5. The Guam airports have to do a balancing act.
    They let one aircraft take off, then brace for the rocking motions while the island “settles”, then they can carefully let another aircraft land.

  6. Hmmmm. Obammie the commie threatened to withhold funds if states did not bend their school bathroom laws. Not a peep outta the commie’s judicial activist judge on the 9th circuit who twice went after Trump for threatening to withhold funds from states who did not comply with enforcing illegal immigration laws.

  7. judgeroybean – my thoughts exactly. and precedent is key in judicial reviews, therefore this needs to be immediately brought up in the current legal proceedings and also for congress to justifiably remove specific judges from the bench.
    If only we had the right people in the right offices the right things would be accomplished.
    Every single (conservative) person that posts here should run for an office of some type at least once in their life. Serve your time for your community.

  8. If all Trump does is issue EO’s on education he is commiting the same error as Obama. If you want real change, it must be enacted into law. An EO can be simply reversed by the next president (as Obama is discovering). If we want to get the feds out of our local schools, the single most effective action is to legislate the USDOE out of existence.

  9. @ DadOf4 only if yer a Marine. 🙂

    The gubner’s in a hussy because the FEDs have been
    denying all of the illegal H2B visa waiver requests.
    100% denying, bwahahahaha! It’s probably in the wording
    pretty much saying they’ll be here for’eva!
    There was a short talk about H2Bs coming from Puerto
    Rico, but I don’t think they found anybody that would
    work, bwhahahaha!

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