The Epidemic of Fraud – IOTW Report

The Epidemic of Fraud

Watch the interview: CDM’s Globalists In Plain Sight Host Christine Dolan interviews John Davidson, Director and Producer of Epidemic of Fraud, a documentary Dolan fully endorses.

As countries globally continue to recover from the COVID-19 tyrannical fallout, many more stories are surfacing as investigative journalists fight to encourage and give platforms to those who know the truth to enable them to raise their voices and expose the politics and fraud of science.

One of those stories is told by a relatively unknown journalist and self-described storyteller whose heartbreak over his broken country gave birth to a new style of documentary that threatens to shake the not-so-hallowed halls of DC.

Epidemic of Fraud explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks levied against a class of ancient medications, told from the perspective of a former CNN journalist and Hollywood industry veteran. Why were the people who allowed the opiate disaster to go unchecked so eager to discredit a drug that is safer than tonic water? Director John Davidson takes you into an audio/visual time machine back to 2020 to reveal the forbidden knowledge that our medical, academic, and political officials are desperate to hide from you.

In this interview with director John Davidson, Christine Dolan discusses Davidson’s journey from comfortable obscurity in the entertainment business to his new role as an avant-garde documentarian. Find out what it took to push him to awakening moments when Davidson took his stand, and what other stories he has yet to tell.

Their conversation covers not only the value of what Davidson reveals in his documentary, but focuses on what happened to the Fourth Estate they both knew, and the internet chat-rooms where citizens represented by NGOs congregate and decide how they will go after other people’s reputations and their jobs just because they disagree with the PHARMA narrative.

“These people are predators. We will expose every last one of them,” says Dolan.”I applaud John Davidson’s craft but also his courage and stand with him and encourage others in the Fourth Estate to start speaking out. Everyone has their own epiphany moment.”

See “Epidemic of Fraud” now at or at John’s research website

9 Comments on The Epidemic of Fraud

  1. I guess in my 90+ years of surviving this world I would have to say that if you are really sick, stay home. If not, you have to go to work and earn your paycheck.
    Back in the 80’s and 90’s companies told people that it did not matter how sick you were, you went into work no matter what. So I had bacterial pneumonia that I got from the crappy building we were moved into. The building fungus even made the moron manager sick, but that was OK since he was a manager. After this idiot figured out there was a problem due to 14 people being hospitalized he figured we could do our jobs from the parking lot. What an absolutely fucking moron.

  2. “I guess in my 90+ years of surviving this world I would have to say that if you are really sick, stay home. If not, you have to go to work and earn your paycheck.”

    I’m self employed. 2 1/2 years ago I was going through treatment for throat cancer. Thankfully one of the most curable, but one of the toughest treatments to go through. Chemo and Radiation. Radiation was every day. The torch. Ya know how many days of work I missed? Not one. Why? I really like my house. So fuck off with your weak shit.


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