The Errors, The Lie, the Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – Raffensperger Gets Caught  – IOTW Report

The Errors, The Lie, the Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – Raffensperger Gets Caught 


Material errors were embedded in Georgia’s 2020 Election recount efforts in Fulton County. The Secretary of State and his team initially lied about these errors and then they worked with the AG’s office and the State Elections Board to exonerate the Secretary of State.

The information in this article was provided by Georgia citizen Joseph Rossi


As noted in the first article in this series, after the 2020 Election a Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) was carried out by Georgia’s Secretary of State’s (SOS’s) Office that included numerous errors.

Thanks to the efforts of Georgian Joseph Rossi, 36 errors were found in the Fulton County data in the RLA report posted on the SOS website.

Rossi doggedly went after those in authority in the state to review his data. He was turned down and ignored numerous times. But eventually after a series of events, Rossi was able to get these errors in front of members of Governor Kemp’s office. Governor Kemp and his team, listened and took action when errors were pointed out to them. more here

15 Comments on The Errors, The Lie, the Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – Raffensperger Gets Caught 

  1. Is he caught like I was when I peed in a bush and had to attend court and pay a fine (the sense of shame was worse than the fine)? Or is he caught like the Awan brothers, Wasserman Schultz, Hilry Clintoon (among many other prominent and not so prominent leftist douchenozzles-Sam Bankman Fried-ehh)?

    My dollar says caught like the douchenozzles, we’ll see.

  2. Rinse & repeat. Election results were certified, they (now pay attention) can NEVER EVER be uncertified nor recounted to change the results of state of Georgia or ANYWHERE else in America. It is over for the 2020 election. Further it was stated the machine results were consistent & hand counts come up with errors. But this discrepancy was gone over before election results were certified. Keep beating that dead horse, for even the worst case of OCD will never make it more dead. Nothing here to see, it’s over.

  3. Raffy and Kemp are “Bush Republicans”
    El Rusbo told us in ’98 “BUSH REPUBLICANS ARE DEMOCRATS!” He listed 3 Dem presidents the Bush clan elected: LBJ (’64 for the young), Clinton (GHWB threw the election Conservatives all new, as did Bush Republicans, any Dem would beat “Kinder Gentler”. Had he not wanted a Dem President he would have declined to run! Rust was smart!), Clinton.

    kemp and Raffy worked to elect Jo in 2020!

  4. Madam DeFarge
    MONDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 2023, 14:39 AT 2:39 PM
    “I would like to know if he received a huge payout to turn traitor.”

    …I believe 30 pieces of silver is the going rate.

  5. Expect nothing less from politicians. They all stick together to protect one another unless they’ve severely pissed someone off really bad. The ability to lie, break the law successfully and betray constituents are all requirements for the job. Self interest is their only focus. Someone of note recently said that there’s no difference between the traits of politicians and psychopaths.


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