The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA – IOTW Report

The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA

American Thinker:
By J.B. Shurk

There are videos making the rounds showing President Trump standing on stage in Miami’s pouring rain while imploring Americans to get out and vote.  The metaphor is striking.  There’s Trump, battling the elements, lively as ever, refusing to give up, insisting on finishing what he’s started.  Citizen Free Press appropriately notes that “President Trump is truly a force of nature.”

I know that the months ahead will make for some spirited political debate among friends, but I encourage you to cement in your minds this quintessential image of Trump unbroken and unbowed.  Whatever else can be said about the man (and there is plenty), he remains the only leader in our times unafraid to stand alone.  When other self-proclaimed allies run the other way or look for somewhere safe to weather the approaching storm, Trump stands inside the tempest, demanding that it give up and surrender.  That’s something that will forever separate him from those who pretend to be him.

It has become normal to deconstruct Trump’s public appeal to something as basic as he fights!  Yet it is not just that Trump fights; it is why he fights that has attracted such a diverse voting coalition unlike any other political movement today.

Consider the Republican Party’s consensus issues before Donald Trump descended the golden escalator and changed everything.  By and large, Republican politicians defended the endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq without question. They ignored the harms of illegal immigration as a taboo issue equated with racism.  And they dismissed discussion of revitalizing American industry and manufacturing as unrealistic in a globalist system where cheap slave labor is plentiful overseas.   more

11 Comments on The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA

  1. Have you heard this . . .

    Crypto Grifters Exchange wiped out

    Sam Bankman-Frieds Crypto Griftin’ Money Grubbin’ Monkey Fuckin’ Funhouse has been CLOSED.

    BwaaaaHaaaaaHaaaaaaHaaaaaaHaaaaaaaHaaaaaaHaaaaaaHaaaaa n’ Fuckin’ HA.

    Money Grubbin Monkey Fuckers REAP

    By the way, maybe this is what done set off LocoBlanco and Co???

  2. As a long time Rush listener I was thinking of what he would say about the election results and I believe he would have congratulated both Desantis and Trump, both from Florida, both did what they could to get republicans elected while the establishment did nothing but work against MAGA candidates. He also would have said don’t worry about 2024, trust the process (the same thing he said all year long in 2015 on to the primary). No one is anointed, and who knows who is going to throw their hat in the ring but there will be the process to determine the 2024 candidate. The worst thing we can do is let them throw chum in the water to get everyone fighting about Trump vs. Desantis while the establishment slips in their Romney 2.0 candidates. I hope both men rise above and don’t take the bait from these snake. Rush also would have said focus on the leadership and agenda for 2023. He also would have said don’t panic and boy do I miss him!

  3. NOT NEWS! Bush, Ryan, Mitch and Rove were trying 7 years ago!

    And Ronny called out the “Bush Republicans” many decades ago as Gov, “Big Business, Big Labor – 2 sides of the same coin!”. I knew 43 years ago when the Koch brothers tried to stop him why ; many did not.

    “El Rusbo” told his folk 22 years ago, “Bush Republicans are Democrats.”!

    UNIPARTY (Shurk mentions rightly many times!) was coined 60 years ago; but it is as accurate and honest today as it was 60 years ago!

  4. Has anybody else noticed since Tuesday everyone is throwing President Trump under the bus?
    If anyone should be thrown under the bus it oughta be Mitch McCommunist and what’s her face Ronna McDonnell 🤬

    Things were pretty darn good under Trump and for that reason among many I will continue to support him, come hell or high water 😉

    MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. I went scorched earth last night on Trump for attempting to do democrat opposition research on Ron DeSantis.
    Him of all people should be sensitive as to how that looks.

    It’s not throwing someone under the bus when they willingly step out in front of it…


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