‘… The Establishment Refuses to Listen’ – IOTW Report

‘… The Establishment Refuses to Listen’

Pro-Trump Protesters Breach the US Capitol, The Establishment Refuses to Listen.

Some naughty language.

19 Comments on ‘… The Establishment Refuses to Listen’

  1. Have been not listening for 32 yers! Why should they? Except for ’16 they have won everything! Kevin and Mitch hate Don because he “rocked the boat”!Bush and Dominion have made sure they will enjoy another 28 year run!

  2. Well, shit. Trumps thrown in the towel. People are either fucking pissed or depressed as hell. For good reason. This guys rant is verbalizing what we all know. There’s new video coming out of the murder of Ashli Babbit that is jaw dropping. She was shot point blank in the face by some asshole badge with a gun. The dudes got serious potential for a fine career with the FBI. But as that video leaks out the anger grows. The Military related sites are running instructional pieces on long range sniping. Trumps done but what he’s exposed can’t be put back in the bag. And that’s probably the most beneficial result of his term. Our eyes are wide open, particularly after yesterdays display of political cowardice. I’m reading a lot of anger directed towards Trump. I’m feeling a little let down by him myself. I mean damn, he seem to have the assholes pretty well set up. He either caved in or got no cooperation from the military. Last night AF1 was parked in Abilene Texas at Military Base.
    This is far from over. We need to come up with another name for deplorables. For no other reason to let the assholes know it’s no longer about Trump. I wouldn’t want to be the guy in charge of security for the inauguration of the retard and the whore. Keep the faith.

  3. Its hard not to be influenced by the fact that Mitch is the Senate Majority and can get all kinds of goodies for his home state

    Barry Goldwater was blatant about this in his last election. I remember a college roommate remarking on how lazy Goldwater was about campaigning.

  4. I’ll listen/watch this Styx rant later today; got things to do now.

    But I do want to make this observation/comment. Yes, I am dispirited (a word I prefer to “depressed”) with the current events that climaxed yesterday. And although it would be easy to let myself feel let down by President Trump, I simply cannot. What that man has accomplished, the eyes he has opened, the substantial changes he has made, the unveiling of the ugliness of the deep state especially including members we didn’t know about, is nothing short of astonishing when looked at by 2016 eyes.

    Regardless of what we might wish he had done, he HAS done us all a huge service and I will be forever grateful.

  5. Brad, glad to see you’re still with us.

    We’re pretty much screwed and it looks like our President may now be fighting for his life.
    It looks like we fall down and take it, have a convention of the states, split up the union or overthrow the government. None of it is going to be easy, but honestly we only have ourselves and our ancestors to blame. Generations have allowed us to get to this point and I’m not sure there are enough real men left to undo it. I see more women acting like they balls than I do men these days.

  6. President Trump has spoken to very large rallies…
    There has NEVER been a violent incident at one of them,
    The imbeciles of duh media were quick to call them “Trump Supporters”,
    But that is not correct, as usual they were talking out of their rectal opening.

  7. I’ll give them credit – this was possibly the most diabolical and perfectly executed (from their stand point) maneuver since they were able to solicit the immediate action they were counting on – repudiation without first checking facts. They created the situation they desired with the help of the Capitol Police, Antifa/BLM and immediately shut every high profile person’s Twitter account that would have been able to get a mass message out. Unfortunately on our side people are so trained to immediately condemn that even Mark Levin and others fall for it. They don’t just refuse to listen they plan to make sure they never hear from us again.

  8. They want everyone mad and leaving Trump. That is what they’ve been attempting for five years. And sadly if people are now turning on him they win. It has become very apparent our government is so corrupt either by desire for power, family enrichment, blackmail, foreign interference or whatever other motive that Trump was unable to build any loyal support. It is disheartening and scary. And the reality is there is no peaceful transfer of power – the one preventing that are the ones that blatantly stole the election. Don’d dump on Trump, he is one guy – he couldn’t do anything with his EO and other powers if he has no support. Seeing everything that happened since he won in 2016 makes me feel fortunate we were able to get through one term.

  9. Brad, not sure Trump gave up or wasn’t wanting the destruction and deaths if the Capitol stunt had continued to be on his shoulders. I think if you’re looking for a new name for the deplorable s I’ve chosen to consider myself an ungovernable. I visualize four years of going against any and everything they enact as my new goal.

  10. Different Tim

    I like it. I think the Retard and the Whores first move will be coming for our Tactical Weapons. Kameltoe helped dream up the Featureless configuration that California needs to abide by so I’m almost certain that’s the way they’ll go. I have a lot of experience there when the time comes. This sucks.


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