The Evangelical Lutheran Church’s first transgender bishop is being booted – IOTW Report

The Evangelical Lutheran Church’s first transgender bishop is being booted

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

Just three months ago, I wrote that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America had appointed its first transgender bishop — in this case, Megan Rohrer, a woman who sliced off her breasts, kept her female name, and claimed to be a man.  Now Rohrer has been suspended for being a racist.  Live by woke political correctness; die by woke political correctness.

It was a big deal when Megan Rohrer, a woman who claims to be a man and insists on being referred to by the pronouns “they” and “them,” was installed as the bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.  This was one of those “firsts” that simply thrill leftists.  Suddenly, the left had achieved the first transgender bishop.

My feeling about Rohrer is that the woman is a monster.  She has a child and had this to say about that poor, innocent thing: more

17 Comments on The Evangelical Lutheran Church’s first transgender bishop is being booted

  1. Watched Jeopardy! lately? Current champ is a tranny (“woman” born a man). He’s very intelligent, but he makes an ugly woman. He looks like he might’ve been a handsome man, but he just looks like a drag queen to me. I keep watching anyway because I like the show, but I will cheer so loudly when that thing loses. If you read the Facebook posts for the show, you will see more wokeness than you’ll ever care to see. 🤮

  2. There is a special place for those shepards who lead their flock astray.
    This is obviously not a woman of God.
    By their fruits you will know them.
    This wolf in sheeps clothing is more obvious than most.

  3. Charlie WalksonWater
    DECEMBER 25, 2021 AT 11:56 AM
    “There is a special place for those shepards who lead their flock astray.”


    “1 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord.

    2 Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord.”
    Jeremiah 23, 1-2

  4. “I really affirm the idea of being in the strategic place to critique all systems of power, those making the largest decisions,” they(she) say(s) (correctiotommns added by me).

    How about critiquing the system of power in the ELCA that made the decision to allow the mentally ill in leadership in its denomination?

  5. @TommyBoy in IN December 25, 2021 at 2:18 pm

    > the decision to allow the mentally ill in leadership in its denomination


    “Should we load the ‘differently capabled’ into boxcars? And send them to ‘the camps’?”
    Of course not!

    “Should we allow children to throw (small) rocks at the ‘differently capabled’? In public?”
    Of course not!

    “Should we deign the ‘differently capabled’ to rule us? With guns we (continue) to pay for?”
    Well, why not!?


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