The Evolving Threat of Jihad in the West – IOTW Report

The Evolving Threat of Jihad in the West

The very act of mentioning bad behavior carried out by members of a specific group seems inherently bigoted.


One of the most important stories related to the September 11 attacks was the one that was deliberately left largely untold. That story is the response of some Muslims in America to the massacre of nearly 3,000 people by Islamic supremacists in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

According to a Washington Post article published on September 18, 2001, in Jersey City, New Jersey, across the river from the destroyed World Trade Center, “Within hours of the two jetliners plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.”

The New York Post reported on September 15, 2001, that Muslim Americans in Patterson, NJ were also seen celebrating the attacks. Word-of-mouth reports abounded in the weeks and months following September 11 of spontaneous celebrations carried out that day in Dearborn, Michigan, in Virginia and other Muslim American communities.

The most notable aspect of the published reports of the celebrations was that there were so few of them.

After all, the notion that any Muslim Americans would celebrate the jihadist attack was certainly newsworthy.

The stories were suppressed at the time by political leaders. Then New York mayor Rudy Guiliani for instance said the celebrations shouldn’t be reported lest they lead to violent attacks against peaceful Muslims.

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9 Comments on The Evolving Threat of Jihad in the West

  1. The sad thing is that the most prominent muslim activists pretty much openly state what their plans are for the US…

    Impose Sharia over the US Constitution
    Turn the US into another raghead craphole

    …but the shit-for-brains progtards are so crippled by their cognitive dissonance that they simply refuse to listen to what is openly said over and over and over.

  2. Who decided that it was wrong to show images of the world trade center massacre? Those pictures of people diving out of windows to avoid being burned to death should be front and center of every news show. Maybe then the (D)umbcluck party could retain focus on the real problem with moslems.

    Every (D)irtbag politician doing a tv appearance in front of a greenscreen should have the World Trade Center as his background, and any news media that doesn’t make those images a big part of their show should go #$%# themselves with a cactus.

    Covering up the truth about moslems is why the (D)irtbags are able to thwart any realistic actions. As with so many of our countries “intractable, unsolvable” problems, the big impediment is (D)irtbag politicians lying to their (D)umbcluck voters.

  3. So, what will our president do with the next terrorist attack?
    What I would do as president:
    Deport all nationals who knew them,
    Try his Imam,
    Turn their mosque into a pig pen,
    For starters.

  4. Mask is off.

    Left has teamed up with radical right-wing Islamists ONLY to overthrow the white countries that they hate.

    Why else would “pro-woman” feminists ignore Islamic abuse and oppression of women?

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