The FAA, Democrats And RINOs Have Turned Once Friendly Skies Dark And Dangerous – IOTW Report

The FAA, Democrats And RINOs Have Turned Once Friendly Skies Dark And Dangerous

CFP: InJanuary of this year I wrote a column titled: FAA Covertly Expands Pilot’s Acceptable Heartbeat Range Due To Damage Caused By Vaccines. The column discussed changes that the FAA had quietly made regarding the acceptable health standards of its vaccinated pilots. Those changes, make Thursday’s decision not to reinstate unvaccinated pilots stunningly irresponsible. For clarity, I am including pertinent parts of the column here.

Let’s say you own a business that requires certain employees to meet specific physical requirements within accepted medical ranges. Then suddenly very few, if any, of your employees can meet the required physical standard.

What do you do? These employees are absolutely necessary for the success of your enterprise and they cannot be readily replaced.

Well if you’re the FAA and you required your pilots to be vaccinated resulting in heart damage, you very surreptitiously increase the acceptable range of the pilots heartbeat.

In October of last year, with no announcement, The FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners extended the EKG parameters well beyond the normal range from PR max of .2 to essentially unlimited.

This change in EKG range now accommodates pilots that have suffered cardiac injury. more

22 Comments on The FAA, Democrats And RINOs Have Turned Once Friendly Skies Dark And Dangerous

  1. ^^^… “extended the EKG parameters well beyond the normal range from PR max of .2 to essentially unlimited.”

    ‘essentially unlimited’
    that means you could be dead and you can still sit in the pilot’s chair
    I’ll walk, thanks

  2. The RINOS are the people we’ve hired to protect us and our future and they’re nothing but corrupt rats. If we keep up tolerating them, there’s no hope.

  3. …if you’re wondering about the PR interval and the significance of it…

    “The PR interval is the time from the onset of the P wave to the start of the QRS complex. It reflects conduction through the AV node.

    The normal PR interval is between 120 – 200 ms (0.12-0.20s) in duration (three to five small squares).
    If the PR interval is > 200 ms, first degree heart block is said to be present.
    PR interval < 120 ms suggests pre-excitation (the presence of an accessory pathway between the atria and ventricles) or AV nodal (junctional) rhythm."


    They messed up electrical activity in the heart, leaving it prone to all sorts of malfunction including electromechanical dissociation.

    AKA "Suddenly".

    I had a 19 year old die on me here last year. I knew he was recently vaxxxed from his friends, but the coroner kinda left that out of the report.

    All THAT report said for "Cause Of Death" was "Cardiac Arrhythmia Of Unknown Etiology".

    …translated, his heart lost it's proper electrical activity, and they "don't know" what caused it.

    AKA "Suddenly".

    …I wonder, in light of this, if we could go back in time and get his last rhythm from when he told folks he felt bad and ducked into the bathroom alone for what turned out to be his last action in life, what HIS PR interval would look like?

    …too bad the Medical/Government conplex isn't interested AT ALL in researching it…almost like they've known all along, or something…

  4. …just to make it worse, they are ALSO considering making cockpits single pilot so you have NO redundancy in case your pilot ‘suddenlies’…

    …not to mention how much higher the workload will be on ONE guy, especially in an emergeny.

    …for a preview of what a single pilot flight looks like after the single pilot has a coincidence, HERE is a charter flight where it ACTUALLY HAPPENED…

    …welcome to the future of commercial aviation. Will you step up and be a hero, or sit back and be dead? Any day now, the “Suddenly” may be on YOU!!!

  5. Throw in the path many airlines are taking by telling us they want more diversity in the cockpit and will have it with lower standards.

    My decision not to fly anymore seems even wiser.

    And of course they won’t rehire those fired for refusing the vax, that would send the entirely wrong signal that standing up for your beliefs is moral. I remember watching a video by an Aussie pilot who was sick to death that he was about to lose his career, a career he absolutely loved, and livelihood because he wouldn’t risk his health.

    Multiply that by what? !,000s of able bodied men? Put to pasture when TPTB & the media KNEW for a fact the vax was poison. Fucking disgusting.

    We’re in a death spiral, decades past when we were Masters of the Universe. In my wildest rants I could’ve have imagined how this nightmare is viewed by 1/2(?) of our population as normal.

  6. MMinWA AT 8:56 PM
    “Throw in the path many airlines are taking by telling us they want more diversity in the cockpit and will have it with lower standards.

    My decision not to fly anymore seems even wiser.”

    …yes, but you don’t need to be IN a plane to die in a plane crash.

    …in 1992, El Al flight 1862, a cargo plane with a 3 man crew and a non-revenue passenger left Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport at 1831 and due to an engine separation caused by a failed fuse pin, concluded its flight seven minutes later at the juncture of several densely populated apartment buildings near the airport, killing all four on the plane and an arguable number on the ground due to the nature of the apartment complex being mostly immigrants and that there may have been visitors as well, but with the official number of 39 people who were NOT on the airplane that lost their lives, with unofficial estimates ranging as high as 200.–AfSKVM

    This particlar incident was NOT a “suddenly”; but given that nowadays they;
    A) Have poisoned ALL the pilots, and
    B) Are wanting to go to single man crews in cargo planes to start with, as well as
    C) The fact that we HAVE had incidents of pilots dying on take-off, leaving the other pilot to get airborne by himself as best he can,

    it does NOT seem like an unlikely scenario where a “suddenly” COULD kill folks on the ground pretty much ANYWHERE.

    You do NOT have to be on an airplane to die of an airplane crash. There is literally nowhere an airplane can NOT crash. Examples abound, this is only one of hundreds.

    Keep that in mind as the vaxxx debate AND the dumbing down and decrewing of the cockpit contines apace…

  7. Makes me feel so much better about my wife flying down to FL on Tuesday. And later both kids flying down there to help with moving my BIL back to Shitcagoland area… And three return flights of course over the next three weeks.

  8. 2002….Retired Navy Pilot….
    2020….Retired Corporate Pilot….

    I was lucky….gave my notice in 2019….
    there was no way I was gonna take the jab….
    My research showed that simple safe alternatives were available….

    The DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity) initiatives for pilots is just stupid….IMHO….and like mentioned single piloted operations is ok….as long as there’s no emergencies.

    I drive….I won’t fly any more.

  9. I know a commercial pilot who walked away from his job for good over the jab requirement and won’t fly as a passenger on the airlines either. No one forced you to get the jab. They forced you to stand up for yourself and you failed. It sucks to be in debt up to your ass. Makes you into a slave.

  10. The airlines look at the costs of safety upgrades on a fleet of planes vs what they would have to pay out in settlements for injury/death. Lowest cost always win.

  11. MMinWA AT 11:22 PM
    “I’ll take my chances on the ground SNS and actually, what fucking choice do I have?”

    …wear a sturdy helmet?

    …no, the point is that our enemy and the Democrats friend is complacency. They do things that affect us, but since they affect us second and third order we don’t worry about it because we are not DIRECTLY affected by them. Giving shells to Ukrane doesn’t SEEM to affect us, but will if WE need them and they’re gone. Sending advisirs to Vietnam doesn’t SEEM to affect us, until 50,000 men are dead and the country is politically torn apart for no gain. An election theft in GA doesn’t SEEM to affect us, until we realize too late it gave traitors control of the Presidency and the Senate, and those traitors proceed to destroy the country.

    …and so on.

    In that same vein, people who don’t go in planes don’t SEEM to be affected by suddely dead pilots who are alone in the cockpit because of Government action, but when you consider a fuel laden multiton aircraft travelling at 300 mph suddenly berift of a pilot that may disconnect the autopilot with his myoclonic jerking and no one else there to witness it can crash literally ANYWHERE, that kind of makes it a concern for us ALL, and so we should ALL be protesting it.

    You can even say poor people hardest hit.

    …why? Because housing at the end of a runway isn’t typically the most sought after or luxurious. So things like THIS happen.

    …so no, you can’t stop a plane crash, but you CAN protest Democrats making it easier for planes TO crash.

    We all SHOULD be. NO ONE is unaffected.

    …and about that helmet thing…

    …there’s a running joke that the reason they want everyone in seatbelts on an airplane because its easier to identify people if the part with the wallet in it stays attached to the seat.

    Its kind of like that.

    A helmet will preserve the part that can have dental x-ray identification no matter how badly burned the face is, so that would be HELPING.

    The post-crash morticians.

    …so put on a brain bucket and keep your eyes on the skies.

    The FAA investigator will enjoy your postmortem sense of humor.


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