The Fake News Industrial Complex – IOTW Report

The Fake News Industrial Complex

Millennial Millie: The first installment of Shadow Gate demonstrated that the shadow government consists of government contractors; defense, intelligence, security, and so on.

When the first trailer was aired, a little known Anonymizer project called ION 2 was scrapped.

On the day Shadow Gate had an early release, a well planned targeted smear campaign by media outlets and social media influencers was launched to distract away from the subtle panic the military industrial complex was going through in the background.

The websites of Dynology, Jones Group International, and ClearForce we’re removed, modified, and changed in what appears to be a cover-up.

But why? What was so dangerous about Shadow Gate and our whistleblowers that the documentary created such a knee-jerk reaction? That is the subject of this documentary.

7 Comments on The Fake News Industrial Complex

  1. Was tempted to hang it up last evening.

    But I won’t give up until Trump does.

    If he concedes, then and only then will I know that the great experiment failed and has ended. Not until then.

  2. I fear that Krushchev’s prediction was more accurate than even he could have hoped, with China taking up the cause after the collapse of the cause in the Soviet Union.
    While we were somewhat focused on the Communist Russia infiltration, Red China quietly came in through the back door, placing spies at every level of our society.

  3. A public release of names must happen: every elected official, every government employee, every media mouthpiece, every academic, every social mover and shaker known to ever have been on Chinese or Russian payroll, they must be revealed to all.

  4. I presume the title is suppose to read The Fake NEWS Industrial Complex. The Fake NEW Industrial Complex means something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. What kind of amateur bullshit is this that this error is not corrected?

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