The Fall of the House of Zucker – IOTW Report

The Fall of the House of Zucker

Patriot Retort: Are you guys enjoying the whole CNN/Jeff Zucker dumpster fire as much as I am?

I gotta admit, this slow-moving train wreck is the best entertainment to come out of CNN in years.

Every time I go on the Internet or hop onto Twitter and I see another story about Jeff Zucker, I can’t help it, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning.

Does that make me a bad person? Well, I don’t care.

If enjoying the Fall of the House of Zucker is bad, then I don’t wanna be good.

Yesterday, Joe Pompeo from Vanity Fair reported that one CNN correspondent, Jamie Gangel said after Jeff Zucker announced he was resigning, she heard from four Democrats in Congress, including one from the January 6 select committee who, and I quote, “felt devastated for our democracy, because Jeff was not going to be around to make sure that CNN is able to do its job.”


That’s for the peek behind the curtain, Jamie! more

14 Comments on The Fall of the House of Zucker

  1. The Jeff Zucker Syndrome happens when a person believes that the organization can not function without them, and that they can do anything to accomplish the goal of ‘truth telling’, as they see the truth is, by any means necessary. And, no matter what they do within their duties, they are immune from the consequences of any wrongdoings when they are doing wrong. It’s as old as time itself. Many have it, yet they don’t know it until it is in their face.

  2. CNN, #1 most reliable news source in America. Fox Entertainment News & Newsmax, still pushing the latest conspiracy theories & hearsay, don’t think real news stories are enough. Giddy up, HiHo Silver & Away.

  3. Watching CNN implode is the best thing to happen this year, last year and this century. Watching Wallace blow a hose and a shit-ton of belly-aching, cry-baby assholes, crooks and perverts lose their stage to spew propaganda is priceless! It just doesn’t get any better!

  4. The Collusion Nonsense Netwoke might become a trusted source of news if it cleans house of all of Zucker’s propagandists. If Jeffrey Toobin and Jake Tapper aren’t tossed over the side, I’d be surprised. Where are the new owners going to find real journalists to replace all the biased bums they’ve had for the last thirty years?

  5. Many years ago when CNN just started I was a news vidographer for a CBS affiliate station. Reagan was running for president and was campaigning in our city. A CNN news crew stepped right in front of my shot when I was just feet away from Reagan. I reached over and un plugged their umbilical cable that connected the camera to the 3/4 recorder that the sound man was carrying. The camera guy barked at me “HEY, WE’RE CNN, YOU CANT DO THAT”! My reply was “fuck off, don’t ever step in front of me again”. One of Reagan’s security guys edged in between us and motioned to the CNN guy to move on. Then he say’s to me, one word, with a half assed smile…”niiice”, and walks away.
    There is an understanding in news between photogs, ‘Don’t intentionally fuck up another photogs shot.’ Ahhhh the good old days. I miss the competition.


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