The Far Right, Hate Group That Isn’t – IOTW Report

The Far Right, Hate Group That Isn’t

Censored.TV: The Proud Boys have recently been dragged back into the spotlight amid the riots and mayhem that have swept across the United States following the death of George Floyd. Once again, they are being smeared and falsely accused of taking part in activities they either had no part in at all, or are pinned for inciting violence without a whiff of evidence.

The Proud Boys is a men’s club founded by Gavin McInnes that has been relentlessly maligned by the media, the DNC, and the justice system. Though they have been accused of a litany of crimes, their real sin is unapologetic pride. It appears that only the left can be proud these days. It is verboten to be proud of America, the West, history, and of course, President Donald Trump. If you dare cross that line, you become a homophobic, anti-Semitic racist even if you are a Jewish black man who happens to be gay.

The most recent accusation against the Proud Boys came by way of the Daily Caller, who published a piece under an anonymous byline saying that the Proud Boys—a so-called “far-right extremist” group previously referred to as “white nationalists”— jumped a lone man and smashed his phone on June 15 outside the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). The Achilles heel of the Daily Caller’s smear piece is right there in the story for everyone to see, which says that “while the reason for the confrontation that took place… remains unclear, two Daily Caller reporters arrived on the scene just as the Proud Boys were attacking a lone male. The group took his phone and smashed it to pieces, and as the man fought to retrieve it he was repeatedly beaten about the head and face.”

If it is unclear as to the “reason for the confrontation that took place,” then there is no legitimacy in drawing a conclusion for lack of information. The Daily Caller reporters made up a story based on limited video evidence, which appears to be the norm these days. The outlet never for a moment considered the possibility that the lone man could have instigated what turned into him getting his ass kicked just before the footage started rolling. It is not just the left-leaning media that is out to demonize the Proud Boys, but it has now become an angle used by middle-of-the-road conservative outlets cucking to the left’s political narrative.

Another recent example of the Proud Boys being unjustly smeared in the media has to do with DeJuan Young, who was shot inside CHAZ (later renamed CHOP, for Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) and proceeded to place the blame on the “Proud Boys or KKK” through a TikTok video without providing a description of the attacker or any other corroborating evidence. Young’s moronic accusation went viral on social media and largely went uncontested. It was only after this video was posted that Young was identified as one of Raz Simone’s cronies who assaulted Scriberr News reporter, Kalen D’Almeida. more here

9 Comments on The Far Right, Hate Group That Isn’t

  1. In today’s news the only truth is that everything you read and hear is a biased lie.
    – And it’s ALL biased against those of us that have been peaceful hard working contributors to American society.

  2. Anthro
    yeah, we’re just trying to do our jobs, and try to get along with this DemPanic, and these shitstains show up . . ?
    Time to deal with it is nigh!
    Aim high . . !

  3. Speaking of ol raz, why isn’t he up on federal indictment by now? Just handing out guns from a trunk during an illegal occupation must violate at least one federal law. Make an example of of this guy.


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