The Feds Take On Sparklers – IOTW Report

The Feds Take On Sparklers


Feds: ‘Are you giving a sparkler to a child this July 4? Think twice.’

This Fourth of July the federal government is issuing dire warnings to protect children from the menace of sparklers.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has released intense stick figure videos and posters warning that children should never be allowed to hold a sparkler, due to fire hazards.

“Yes, we do not recommend children use sparklers, as they burn at about 2,000 degrees, which is hotter than a blow torch,” Nychelle Fleming, a spokesperson for the CPSC told the Washington Free Beacon.

A 2012 video entitled “Un-Sparktacular Celebration” features a stick figure family who let their children use sparklers unsupervised.

“No! Don’t leave! They shouldn’t have that!” the video says. Moments later the girl hits her brother in the arm with her sparkler, causing his entire arm to turn red.

“Sparklers can burn at 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, as hot as a blowtorch,” the video adds. “Are you giving one to your child?”


image: northport patch


30 Comments on The Feds Take On Sparklers

  1. not a chance – round HERE we are going to put lited sparklers in our FISTS and then with the great instruction of Mr Fister Kevin Jennings, Barry’s very good friend, we’re going to plunge that FIST rite into the youngsters love hole – cuz it’s what real libs and cool people do

  2. Before Baracky is done he’s gonna outlaw everything that is good and legalize everything that is bad.

    I think we need to get Baracky, Moochell, Biden, Hillary and Slick Willie, all the remaining Kennedys, Kerry, Janee Fonda, Hagel, Reid, Boxer, Schumer, Dirbin, Dodd/Frank and Feinstein all on the same plane and have them to try to sneak into North Korean air space. 😉

  3. Back in ’63 when my sister was about 7 she was running around with a nightgown on and had a sparkler in her hand. The wind was blowing and at some point the sparks made contact with her clothing (not flame retardant back in those days) Her clothes caught fire and my dad rolled her on the ground to put out the flames. She was not injured. I do however love fireworks of any variety.

  4. Why stop there?
    Stove tops get hot, a child can put his hand right on it. All children should be placed in a barrel and the lid nailed shut until the mortal danger of cooking has passed.

  5. Welcome to the Øbamboozler’s new Communism of unnecessary over-reaching, over-bearing, job-killing, regulation with a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military who will arrest you for having a little fun!

  6. Quit breeding stupid kids! I give my kids a punk, handful of explosives and tell them; 0bama won’t fix her mitt, so go fcuk off and don’t come crying home, I’m getting drunk!

  7. When my father was a boy growing up in Maplewood, New Jersey in the 1920s, fireworks were still legal and could be bought openly. The boys on his block hoarded their allowances for weeks prior, and bought every type of firework imaginable, including my father’s favorite, Roman candles. My grandparents’ Street, Lexington Avenue, was a racket of explosions all day on the 4th, from dawn until dusk.

    My father and his pals somehow managed to survive, enjoy good health, pursue careers, marry, and raise children.

    I plan to scatter his ashes on Lexington Avenue one of these years on July 4th, to comemmorate the kind of wildly exciting childhood that children are no longer allowed to have.

  8. In the 1960s my childhood on the Fourth included 20 cousins and me running around the yard with REAL sparklers. No one ever got hurt. But then, our parents told us to be careful. That’s all it took.

  9. Comrade NYCHELLE. From the consumer product safety commission. The group that warns you not to remove pillow tags.

    Trying to justify her paycheck and pension with an edict.

  10. When my granddad was clearing the “bottom” of his property, he routinely used dynamite. Naturally, none of us were allowed in the area when he was doing this. But I remember being cautioned about not touching blasting caps, not playing with fuses or dynamite and not playing around the RR trestle that ran over the river on his property. And even though we had to sit through a grisly B&W film showing a kid getting his legs severed on a train track, we still had a lot of fun up on the trestle.

    Blasting cap warning w/Willie Mays

    1960’s Don’t play around the tracks film:

    We always thought families had lots of kids because some of us weren’t expected to make it into adulthood.

  11. Can you imagine the life obamas kids endure. No Christmas presents cause of being muslims, no cupcakes or cakes cause of mom being sadistic, and no public schools cause dad is an elitist, no sparklers cause dad uses them to light his doobies. When they get older and out on their own they will go hog wild and sleep with every man on a corner like their grandfather. Then their dad will be so proud of them when they have multiple abortions. Poor freaks!!

  12. Ok …… This is super dangerous. But. Damn fun
    We used to shoot M-80’s into the air taped to arrows. One 16 year old would be the bow man. One would light the fuse and tell the bow man fire. The bow was at full draw when lit.
    One time the bow string broke and the M-80 went 2 feet.
    Almost blew the bow mans head off. That was the 50’s.

  13. When I was a kid, my cousins literally blew a telephone pole in half at a construction site. The cops came. They investigated. They went to their parents house and proceeded to chew them out and told them not to do it again. Then they left. That was the end of the story. Ah, the good old days!

  14. Yeah Brad, I knew boys that age were stupid but have never seen it proven so well.

    Back OT, GOD forbid that kids should learn to be careful with something a little dangerous, on their own hook.

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