The fight to fill John McCain’s pants – IOTW Report

The fight to fill John McCain’s pants

Patriot Retort:

Ben Sasse hopes McCain’s cranky pants fit him.

Like drunken fans wrestling over a foul ball, Never Trump Republicans are trying to out-insufferable one another for the chance to fill the void left by the sneerly departed John McCain.

So while Democrat doofus Cory Booker proclaimed “I am Spartacus,” nominal Republican Senator Ben Sasse joined the other Never Trump stepping up to declare, “I am Maverick!”

I kinda figured it was only a matter of time before Ben Sasse slipped on McCain’s cranky pants to see if they fit.

Sasse admitted that he often considers leaving the Republican Party and was immediately rewarded by the Anti-Trump media with oodles of press coverage.

CNN, Politico, NBC, ABC – everybody leapt on the story like starving jackals.

Sasse is so keen to fill McCain’s shoe’s, it’s as if he’s one of Cinderella’s step-sisters fighting over the glass slipper.

Of course his feet would fit better if Mitt Romney would only move his toes.

And just like Romney, Sasse won’t rule out running for President in 2020.

Hey, keep the media guessing, right? They’re more likely to keep inviting you on the Sunday shows that way.

Just ask John Kasich.

Ben Sasse has always struck me as long on sanctimonious lectures, but short on actual accomplishments.

13 Comments on The fight to fill John McCain’s pants

  1. Never heard of the guy. But I get the impression his bragging point ought to be, “No one can tell the difference between me and Maverick’s pantload. We’re both the same stuff.”

  2. At a time when the differences in the two parties stands couldn’t be any more stark and the vital importance for a cohesive front for the party leave it to this slithering reptile to jump ship.

  3. He should start by checking into the Hanoi Hilton … we’ll wait.

    A fukkin pantload trying to replace another pantload.

    “Gee. I don’t know. Which ObamaDoll is cuter?”
    “Seen one turd, seen em all.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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