The First Female Who Successfully Joins Elite Navy Force May Be A Former Man – IOTW Report

The First Female Who Successfully Joins Elite Navy Force May Be A Former Man

DC: The Navy now has its first female candidates for SEAL officer and Special Warfare Combatant Crewman, but it’s possible the first female who joins the SWCC could actually be a male petty officer who transitioned in 2016.

Naval Special Warfare Center Deputy Commander Capt. Christian Dunbar stated in June that two female candidates had joined the boot camp for the SWCC program, reports.

But the first female who joins an elite Navy force may actually be transgender, as Capt. Jason Salata, a spokesman for Naval Special Warfare Command, told that a SWCC petty officer informed his command in October 2016 that he was transgender.

Another woman, who is currently a junior in a ROTC program in college, has put her name forward for a place in the SEAL officer program, which begins October 1. She will complete the SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection program in the summer.  MORE

8 Comments on The First Female Who Successfully Joins Elite Navy Force May Be A Former Man

  1. “Seal’s shouldn’t be Mentaly Confused People !”

    I know a few. From the gun stuff. Mentally tough individuals that have a LOT of clout with whom they serve with. A fairly autonomous group. If a team doesn’t approve a new member, tough shit. That’s the truth.

  2. Time to knock off all this PC, diversity, gender equality, fag loving, and all that other limp wristed democrat horse shit used to weaken the military. And no tax payer’s money to ‘gender reassignment.’ Knock that horse shit off. Flush all Ocommie’s pals out of the military now.

  3. We probably need not worry that the male instinct of protecting a woman will arise and risk lives needlessly in this case. Make “it” the first thru the door every time till the problem solves itself.

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