The Fog of Election Fraud Overshadows Key California Races – IOTW Report

The Fog of Election Fraud Overshadows Key California Races

With the election fraud and software glitches surrounding the Presidential election, and the media’s focus on ensuring Joe Biden is named as President-elect, the statewide races have been given little to no coverage in the mainstream press.

In California, there are still about 4 million unprocessed ballots, give or take, statewide. Thanks to Governor Gavin Newsom and his emergency changes in this election cycle, Secretary of State Padilla has now dictated that registrars can tabulate mail-in ballots, bearing Election Day postmarks, as late as November 20. This leaves plenty of time to stuff the ballot box on some close races, and it is not lost on me that most of those close races favor Republicans. If three of them are won, they would eat away the current Democrat House majority, and may swing it toward the Republicans.

High stakes that the California architects of this widespread fraud do not wish to see happen. Aunt Nancy would not approve.

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13 Comments on The Fog of Election Fraud Overshadows Key California Races

  1. “glitches”! which one of you (correctly) called it “a feature” the other day?
    As with every other aspect of government, there is NO accountability. No one will hang as a result, might have some counts corrected, but whilst it is easy to see the mathematical inconsistencies, it is very difficult to prove malfeasance. We here all know that there are NO coincidences, but that is how it will be played.

  2. I’ve been going through election numbers. I have a new enemy to add to my list of mask wearers, and that is Libertarians.
    I added their numbers to Trump numbers and in all these states with the exception of Nevada and Michigan, without them, even with the massive fraud Trump would have won them.

    This is how it would have looked
    Arizona: Trump 1,676,663 Biden 1,643,664
    Georgia: Trump 2,517,322 Biden 2,465,781
    Wisconsin: Trump 1,648,301 Biden 1,630,569
    Pennsylvania: Trump 3,393,227 Biden 3,358,920

  3. Not one claim of fraud by Trump campaign, no Russia interference claims…. they disappeared, no claims of RNC rigging by demorat filth, not one cable network has rolled out the crisis actors with sob stories of being beaten and chased by KKKers. NOTHING….

    The demorats have cornered themselves on that reluctantly because doing so would require and demand investigation. They dont want that…. no no no. They wantnit to all just end and to move on. So when the courts intervene and the millions of fraud ballots are disqualified, and recounts allow for challenges and rejected ballots to be removed, the demorat media scumbags wont have those sob stories to prattle… or will they. Lol. Scumbags.

    The demorat filth have remained silent about the validity of all 71 million Trump votes which is an affirmation and confirmation that they are all real. As the court cases begin the media scumbags have no choice but to finally begin to talk about it. Something they are petrified of doing because thats where they lose control of the narrative.

  4. @Old Racist White Woman:

    I’ve been going through election numbers. I have a new enemy to add to my list of mask wearers, and that is Libertarians.

    I understand the Libertarians’ position (I was one once) but disagree with it just as you do. What’s interesting (at least to me) is what Murray Rothbard, an icon and patron saint of the early Libertarian Party and libertarians in general, had to say about elections and voting. This is from an interview he gave in 1972:

    [People] are surrounded by a coercive system; they are surrounded by the state. The state, however, allows you a limited choice — there’s no question about the fact that the choice is limited. Since you are in this coercive situation, there is no reason why you shouldn’t try to make use of it if you think it will make a difference to your liberty or possessions. So by voting you can’t say that this is a moral choice, a fully voluntary choice, on the part of the public. It’s not a fully voluntary situation. It’s a situation where you are surrounded by the whole state which you can’t vote out of existence. … So in that case why not make use of [the vote]. I don’t see that it’s immoral to participate in the election provided that you go into it with your eyes open…

    This applies not only to voting or not voting, but also to who you vote for when you do vote.

    The whole interview he here at

  5. How many votes did President Trump
    Have in CA? Why did they call the state so early in the 3rd? I bet PDJT had more votes than they are saying and just called it for dementia man.

  6. Reply to Uncle Al,
    I was thinking similarly about “Libertarians.”

    It is really very simple for me. This is a two-party system. Try to fit yourself into one of those (not that difficult). Then, the things that separate you from the other candidates in the primaries will either make or break you into the general election.

    Voters try to use a party to define themselves. But that is backward. We should define the parties by who We are. PDJT achieved this, perhaps without even trying.

  7. Well, Uncle Al in my neck of the woods, Libertarians aren’t much different than democrats, with the exception of they like guns and hate taxes. We even had one come on all of our conservative groups and 2A groups and tell us if we thought Trump was chosen by God then we had to believe Biden was chosen by God. However, the truth is God doesn’t care about elections anymore than he cares about sports and we should pray for things that he listens to. Then he proceeded to tell us how Libertarians laugh at both sides always calling fraud, because there is no way to steal an election.

    When everyone came after him, including some idiots who voted for him and he was told he just sunk any political career he ever thought he might have in this state, but most likely sunk his party in this state, he disappeared, deleted all of his comments and posts and went into hiding.

  8. One of the problems with a two-party system is that we are stuck between Crook #1 or Crook #2, because #3 is an unknown and is only siphoning votes. It’s how we built the Swamp, and it’s another reason we will never drain it. Between election cycles, it is always “We have to get rid of McConnell, we must get rid of Graham.” On election day, it’s “Hooray! McConnell and Graham are still Senators!” The lesser of two evils is still evil. Aw, who am I kidding. As if any of these elections matter anymore.

  9. County or District elections in California are one thing,State wide elections are so pollute with fraud don’t believe any of the results. We are really hoping these fraud investigation bleed over into California.

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