The Forgotten Armenian Genocide of 1019 AD – IOTW Report

The Forgotten Armenian Genocide of 1019 AD



American Thinker: Last April 24 was Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.  Millions of Armenians around the world remembered how the Islamic Ottoman Empire killed — often cruelly and out of religious hatred — some 1.5 million of their ancestors during World War I.

Ironically, most people, including most Armenians, are unaware that the first genocide of Christian Armenians at the hands of Muslim Turks did not occur in the twentieth century; rather it began in 1019 — exactly one thousand years ago this year — when Turks first began to pour into and transform a then much larger Armenia into what it is today, the eastern portion of modern-day Turkey.

Thus, in 1019, “the first appearance of the bloodthirsty beasts… the savage nation of infidels called Turks entered Armenia… and mercilessly slaughtered the Christian faithful with the sword,” writes Matthew of Edessa (d.1144), a chief source for this period.  Three decades later the raids were virtually nonstop. In 1049, the founder of the Turkic Seljuk Empire himself, Sultan Tughril Bey (r. 1037–1063), reached the unwalled city of Arzden, west of Lake Van, and “put the whole town to the sword, causing severe slaughter, as many as one hundred and fifty thousand persons.”

After thoroughly plundering the city — which reportedly contained eight hundred churches — he ordered it set ablaze and turned into a desert. Arzden was “filled with bodies” and none “could count the number of those who perished in the flames.” The invaders “burned priests whom they seized in the churches and massacred those whom they found outside. They put great chunks of pork in the hands of the undead to insult us” — Muslims deem the pig unclean — “and made them objects of mockery to all who saw them.”  read more

8 Comments on The Forgotten Armenian Genocide of 1019 AD

  1. WWI was ‘the war to end all wars’ and was just the
    First ‘Wurst’ World War we got into, the first War the for the worst reasons and the second for the most noble.

    WWI ruined just about everything that came there after.

  2. Three philosophies that cannot ever be coexisted with.


    Though to be objective and fair, that once was true in Catholic Europe…obey the priest or burn.

  3. “… Thy Kingdom come … on Earth as it is in Heaven …”

    Our world is not HIS (inasmuch as He allows us to exercise our wills) thus we solicit Satan to assist us in our Earthly endeavors with catastrophic results – at least for a great many of us.
    The denizens of the great crossroads of civilizations seem to have a particularly horrible time of it – Armenia – Poland/Ukraine/Western Rus/BelaRus – Tibet – Israel (thereabouts).
    “Civilization” is, more or less, in its infancy and we will continue the thoughtless cruelties to each other until we tire of it and begin to look beyond (no time soon, I’m afraid).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Don’t recall if it was JD or who that posted the link with the picture of the girls who were raped and then crucified.

    Once again I believe my comment from the past is still valid. Never underestimate the level of stupidity or inhumanity & immorality that man is capable of…

    If you look at the pictures that document and also hear the denial that it took place, I’m thinking it could recruit you into being guilty of something similar against the muslims.

    Hitler was an ameuter compared to others before and after him…

    History, that thing that is no longer taught in schools…

  5. Muzlims haven’t changed in 1400 years and I’ve seen nothing in my lifetime to make me think they’ll change for the good in the next 1400 years… if they make it that far!
    Letting these cave-men play with nukes is a very dangerous game cuz they’re one of the few bunch of crazy bastards on this planet who will actually use them to bring about their precious 12th Imam! I have no hope that it is even remotely possible to keep that technology out of their hands for that kind of time.

  6. Anymouse…If you look at the pictures that document and also hear the denial that it took place, I’m thinking it could recruit you into being guilty of something similar against the muslims.” Speak for yourself.

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