The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters – IOTW Report

The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters

American Thinker:

By Gary Gindler

Who chooses the President of the United States?

This question is by no means rhetorical.  For example, the mass disinformation media has chosen Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election.  Many people liked this news, but I must disappoint them – the television broadcasters have, according to the U.S. Constitution, nothing to do with who will live in the White House for the next four years.

Maybe the Supreme Court chooses the President? No, the Constitution does not provide for this.  Could it be that the citizens of America choose their President? Following the U.S. Constitution, no.  So, who then chooses the President?

Before answering this question, let us note that, contrary to popular misconception, the President of the United States is not a representative of the American people.  State legislators and governors are representatives of the people, and at the federal level so are the members of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress.  (Currently, senators are also representatives of the people, but before the ratification of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution in 1913, they were appointed by state legislators).  So, who does the President of America represent?

The President of the United States of America, according to the Constitution, represents state legislators’ interests and no one else.

In general, the federal government’s structure in America reflects the numerous attempts of the Founding Fathers of the United States to introduce a system of effective state control over the federal government.  The fact is that the main difference between our country and all other countries, without exception, is that it was organized “from the bottom up,” that is, individual colonies voluntarily united against a common enemy – the British Empire.  All other “republics” on the planet were created “from the top down,” when the already existing provinces were graciously granted some independence by the already existing central government. more

h/t Anonymous

9 Comments on The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters

  1. It sure would be nice if those who are supposed to be on our side didn’t seem so thrilled to try and knock down the spirits of Trump supporters.

    Twitchy is tweeting leftists glee over lawsuits today. I’m not sure what’s going on in Arizona, but just because they dropped the sharpie lawsuit, doesn’t mean they’re done in Arizona.
    The Pennsylvania lawsuit wasn’t even Trump’s lawsuit.
    The Michigan case also wasn’t Trump’s case and it was in state court being judged by an obvious Demoncrat judge, all you had to do was listen to the hearing and his questions to only the plaintiffs’ attorney to know that. I knew how he’d rule with his first question.

    Twitchy as I’m sure most of you know were rabid anti-Trump for a long time, they only started trying to cover it up when they started losing clicks, that was the case with pretty much all of Salem media, it’s why I’ve never trusted any of them with Salem media. I don’t think any of these never Trumpers get it, things aren’t going to go back to the old days where it was demoncrats vs Republicans and the few conservative sites there were made more money with a demoncrat as President. If Trump doesn’t win all of this with SCOTUS or the Republican legislatures don’t step up to be the heroes that save our country, we will be socialist and that means all of us, including the never Trumpers who are smelling blood in the water and think they can return to cheering on the establishment now that orange man is gone. They aren’t going to be cheering anything, the same as the rest of us.

  2. If this is going to play out according to the Founder’s intentions, it’s going to take some courageous Republican Legislators. They are all going to have to be persuaded by overwhelming evidence. Time isn’t on our side anymore than the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media. The citizens living in these Battleground States have got to make their State Representatives know they support them in this battle.

  3. The $64M questions – Do the the officials who have the power and duty to override obvious vote fraud: Have a backbone? Have a pair? Have the the wisdom & will to do the correct thing?
    I’ll be breathing normally, not holding my breath waiting to hear a “yes” answer to any of those questions.


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