The freak show that was yesterday’s impeachment hearing – IOTW Report

The freak show that was yesterday’s impeachment hearing

Wheels Come Off Impeachment Hearing With Law Profs Called by Dems, But They Get Schooled by Matt Gaetz


The House continued their dog and pony impeachment show today, putting on four law professors as witnesses.

But they weren’t fact witnesses. So why are they even there? Purely to help push the Democratic narrative that there was an impeachable offense. Because apparently Americans aren’t buying it. So Democrats have to find some way to shine up their horrible case.

One constitutional law expert, Jonathan Turley, didn’t play along and said there was nothing impeachable. The other three claimed there was.

But the other professors were not objective evaluators and it was quite the circus, essentially a resistance fest of wild opinion.

First, let’s start with Noah Feldman, the Harvard Law professor. He apparently wanted to have Trump impeached from the beginning. As Twitchy notes, they really mean “from the beginning” as Feldman apparently been talking impeachment since March 2017 for ridiculous things such as tweets. more here

See also: Jim Jordan Busts Dem Law Prof Pam Karlan For Misrepresenting Trump’s Words on Ukraine Call

18 Comments on The freak show that was yesterday’s impeachment hearing

  1. “I don’t think it’s possible to emphasize this strongly enough: a president who will not cooperate in an impeachment inquiry is putting himself above the law. Putting yourself above the law as president is the core of an impeachable offense.”

    They’ve now descended to simplistic recursion to make their “case.” Going on evidence, I must assume that Harvard professorships are now being awarded as prizes in Cracker Jack boxes.

  2. @BrassG December 5, 2019 at 1:30 am

    > Going on evidence, I must assume that Harvard professorships are now being awarded as prizes in Cracker Jack boxes.

    Oh noes! They’re still selling them. Same as it ever was.

  3. “[A] president who will not cooperate in an impeachment inquiry is putting himself above the law. Putting yourself above the law as president is the core of an impeachable offense.”

    This is like saying, “Failure to willingly participate in your own execution is a crime punishable by death.”

  4. The “impeachment” is based on President Trump being President Trump.
    Nothing more; nothing less.

    Had the Demonrat voter-fraud machine succeeded, we’d never have heard a discouraging word (duh).

    America is being punished for having the audacity to vote for Candidate Trump in such numbers that the Demonrats’ frauds couldn’t overcome them – that’s a pretty hefty margin – the REAL results would probably astound.

    Make no mistake: this impeachment charade has little (or nothing) to do with President Trump and EVERYTHING to do with subverting the Constitution and imposing a tyrannical oligarchy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. San Fran Nancy just did her crazy announcement in front of flags, decrying a President acting like a king, quoting founding fathers, and reciting oath of office,
    Also claimed constitutional scholars fully supported impeachment.

  6. Michael Savage aired an interesting theory. The fake impeachment effort may be a ruse to bait Trump and/or his supporters into making overtly anti-Semitic remarks. The effort against Trump chock full of those phony lower-case “jew” types, vermin who use their Jewish background for social, professional, and political advantage but haven’t the slightest interests in the spiritual nor ethical components of Judaism. Schiff, Nadler, Weissman, Vinman, Feldman, Gerhardt, & Karlan are all phony lower case “jews” looking to bait others into situations where they can smear them as “anti-Semitic”.

  7. TheMule
    Fake lower case jews like fake catholics: Pelosi, Biden, Kennedy’s, Kerry, and even current pope.
    Catholic when convenient, but fully supporting every left wing destructive antiChristian policy.

  8. @ The Mule: Hiding behind the Holocaust(tm), they are beyond criticism (Antisemite!); just like President Obama was shielded by the color of his skin and was beyond criticism (Raciss!).

    5.93 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust; no word about the six million+ non-Jews murdered during the Holocaust. Nothing.


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