The Free Beacon Refuses To Publish Hillary Clinton’s New Book Cover. The Reason Is Obvious. – IOTW Report

The Free Beacon Refuses To Publish Hillary Clinton’s New Book Cover. The Reason Is Obvious.


Warning: The following post contains harmful misinformation that is likely part of a foreign influence operation to interfere in American politics. Some readers may find it disturbing, while other readers may be too dumb to avoid getting brainwashed. Please proceed with caution.

Hillary Clinton has written a new book. Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty is due out in mid-September, roughly eight years after the author suffered a health episode and nearly collapsed on the campaign trail in Manhattan. more

22 Comments on The Free Beacon Refuses To Publish Hillary Clinton’s New Book Cover. The Reason Is Obvious.

  1. The Free Beacon’s claims are as substantive as anything the WaPo or the NYT has published in the last eight years including the awarding of Pulitzer prizes for stories based on a now completely debunked narrative and that they had to have know were fake when the stories were written.

  2. I wonder what planet she’s living on. It clearly isn’t Earth.

    Sorry. it’s poor form of me to pose a question I know the answer to when it isn’t a rhetorical one. H-Rod lives on planet Hillary, which orbits the sun Hillary, in the Hillary arm of the Hillary galaxy.

  3. “the Hillary Americans have come to know and love: candid, engaged, humorous, self-deprecating—and always learning.”

    So, nothing resembling to TRUTH, like “Lying, Cheating, Killin, Feckless C*nt, America hating, Human trafficking, Pedophile lover,……..

  4. Another book? The remainder tables at Barnes & Noble are still groaning under the weight of her earlier tomes.

    Have mercy on the forests. Save the Trees. No more Hillary books.


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