The ‘Free Market’ and Universal Health Care – IOTW Report

The ‘Free Market’ and Universal Health Care

American Thinker: With ObamaCare, Democrats destroyed the market for private health insurance and then supplanted it with what they had the chutzpah to call “the Marketplace.” The people whom ObamaCare hurt the most were those who had been buying health insurance in that pre-existing market and who had paid the full price for it themselves but who are now paying more and getting less. Everyone else, those receiving federal subsidies to buy private insurance policies and those thrown onto Medicaid, got welfare from ObamaCare. Consequently, the first objective of Republican repeal and replace efforts should be to undo the harm visited upon those who, by buying health insurance, were already doing what Democrats forced other Americans to do under ObamaCare.

How to achieve that objective? Congress must restore the “free market.” America hasn’t had a free market in health insurance for decades. If the GOP wants to create a free market for private health insurance, they might consider this:

In a free market, prices are the Great Regulator. But why would health insurance companies compete on price when people are required to purchase their product? So scrap the individual mandate to buy insurance. And how can the price of premiums moderate when policies must cover every conceivable outlay?  read more

8 Comments on The ‘Free Market’ and Universal Health Care

  1. The GOP and Democrats (Uniparty)shun the free market.
    Big Socialized government is their aim.
    They “sold” REPEAL to get elected ….There was NO repeal, No Competition, No free market. The push was to Replace and have it written by by the Attorneys/Healthcare/Insurance Industry …. that’s where their campaign contributions come from.

  2. Make that more than 70 years. The govt mucking with med insurance started in WWII, specifically that if the policy was supplied by a company for its employees, the value of the premium was not considered employee income. This was to get around wage/price controls and it favored companies who were friendly to govt (that means payoffs, and big ones).

  3. imagine if we truly had a free market not only in health insurance but in everything else.

    talk about bending the price curve downwards as obama used to say.

    we knew the republicans were full of it when it came to healthcare repeal when they didn’t send the same bill they passed several times during Obama, which he vetoed, to trump to sign.

    betrayal by the rinos.

    professional politicians lie and they lie all the time.

  4. REPEAL! became…

    Repeal and Replace, which became…

    Replace, which means…

    Free Republican unicorns and ice cream instead of free Democrat unicorns and ice cream.

    Paul Ryan is a less honest Jonathan Gruber.

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