The free world is run by a person who ‘probably couldn’t find his way home after dark’ – IOTW Report

The free world is run by a person who ‘probably couldn’t find his way home after dark’

It is clear there is “no way” US President Joe Biden would pass a test to determine his cognitive ability or memory impairment, says Sky News host Alan Jones.

Mr Jones discussed President Biden’s recent gaffes and the calls for him to be subject to a cognitive test.
“The disturbing thing here is the free world depends on the United States as the unfree world gains momentum,” Mr Jones said “And the free world is run by a bloke who most probably couldn’t find his way home after dark”.

23 Comments on The free world is run by a person who ‘probably couldn’t find his way home after dark’

  1. I would be more than happy to make sure this pedophile gets to where he belongs, in the dark or not, only need a minute and he’d never have to worry about finding his way again…

  2. Biteme is a senile perverted puppet, with bathhouse Barry’s hand up his ass. Seems all our enemies, and people in other countries know this, but the Lame Stream Media will keep propping him up at the request of their masters, the CCP.

  3. But he can sure sniff out the nearest ice cream shop and the little girls that chicken shit leftist parents let him huff.

    This pedo turd can’t soon burn enough, right F.D.R.?

  4. he’s probably right but, unfortunately it is likely unprovable.
    I doubt joey whispers is allowed out after dark. He’s probably already in bed, or won’t be budged from watching the Golden Girls reruns.

  5. Jackboot
    JULY 6, 2021 AT 11:20 AM
    “Please… Joe couldn’t find his way to the toilet after dark.”

    I seriously doubt he bothers with such formalities as “finding a toilet” no matter WHAT time it is…

  6. The arrival at Senate 180 yrs. ago, and 10 yrs. as VP, is nothing new for Joe. He’s been pulling numbers out of his ass all his life. The first time I was aware of him was early 80’s, when he was bullying a reporter, bragging about his high IQ and graduating at top of his law school class.

  7. F.D.R.?


    billyhall2006 ☑
    JULY 6, 2021 AT 11:23 AM
    “he’s probably right but, unfortunately it is likely unprovable.”

    …there is a very simple, three question test that’s been used forever by life squads to evaluate if someone has a basic competence to participate in their own informed consent or competent to refuse treatment. Passing is sometimes referred to as “Oriented x3”, for the questions and to see if they are oriented in space and time and in processing and responding to questions.

    Takes a few seconds and could easily be a press conference question.

    …but one of the usual questions is “do you know who’s President?”, and my guess would be that Pedo’s neurosyphilis would prevent him from even getting THAT one right, so they’d never let it happen…

    (And the REAL answer is “Donald Trump” if you take away the stolen election, and Pedo would probably let THAT cat out of the bag TOO, so it ain’t gonna happen…)

  8. ^^^ … there is a very simple, three question test that’s been used…

    Have given it myself (retired from healthcare here), as well as similar
    just ask him to draw a clock, and tell him what time it should show.

  9. Joe’s state of mind only serves to further prove that the control of the country comes from those behind the scenes.
    This has been true for some time, with the exception of 4 years during the Trump administration.

  10. ^^^ I think that, during Trump’s administration, he made a few bad choices, but for the most part, ‘control’ was taken by unscrupulous charactors (not a typo)
    In bidens case, control wasn’t ‘taken,’ it was given.
    That is, if he ever had control to begin with
    we got tooked

  11. I could find my way home in the dark when I was in Cub Scouts, I was 7 or 8 years old in the early 60’s and would walk home after dark by myself the few blocks away where my Cub Scout meeting was. Joey was obviously never a free range kid and allowed to go out after dark or trusted to go anywhere by himself. I do remember it was a little spooky walking home after dark by myself but I got used to it and nothing ever happened.

  12. Is there any real proof that he EVER could find his way home at any time in the past two or three decades? Maybe he could have if “they” left a trail of locks of young girls’ hair back then but that probably wouldn’t even work nowadays…

  13. Mommy Dr Jill makes sure he has his pacifier, sippy cup and blankie. They both are a disgrace to the United States of America. Ill throw Raggedy Ann in too. Hell, he cant’t find his way on or off a stage either.


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