The Full FBI Warrant Which Allowed Officers To Raid An Alaska Spa To Recover Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop – IOTW Report

The Full FBI Warrant Which Allowed Officers To Raid An Alaska Spa To Recover Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop

[…] the FBI appears to have mistakenly raided a home and businesses in part because of a mad airline steward.

24 Comments on The Full FBI Warrant Which Allowed Officers To Raid An Alaska Spa To Recover Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop

  1. In 1953, Nancy Pelosi’s brother and a dozen of his buddies raped two girls, 11 and 13. The other defendants were convicted while Nancy’s brother was acquitted. Nancy’s father who was the the mayor of Baltimore and mobbed up, appeared in court everyday during his son’s trial, staring down the jury and witnesses. The victims as well as the convicted rapists identified Nancy’s brother as being there during the rapes. And yet he was not convicted.

    A biographer asked Nancy about the rape trial of her brother and she laughed and said that the girls had made the whole thing up.

    That woman and her entire family are evil to their core.

  2. Another false warrant issued by another corrupt judge to another corrupt FBI agent – with NO consequences!

    That lack of consequences implies that this corrupt, criminal behavior is sanctioned by both the Executive and Judicial Branches of the FedGov (explicitly) and by the Legislative Branch (implicitly).

    We need no further proof of the Treasonous disregard of the Constitution at the highest levels.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The FBI should just give up the search and ask the Chicoms for a copy of her hard drive. Or maybe ask Imran Awan if the Chicoms say GFY. Or maybe the Russians. I’m sure there are half a dozen copies floating around out there.

  4. The Nazi (FBI) can make things up and do what ever they want to anyone with zero oversight. No excuse can cover this!!! The Nazi (FBI) now has its hands on Americas throat. Just keep believing that this was a just an honest mistake and remain a dead fool.

  5. Sure the FBI screwed up again and may even be corrupt. But, hey, they are inclusive and diverse! And at the end of the day that is all that matters. Sleep well, America!

  6. Raheem Kassan interviewed this couple on The National Pulse podcast last week.

    I’ll just say, having been victims of false/mistaken identity, they have a fairly calm, clear eyed perspective on the “why”.

    They didn’t even mention Alaskan Airlines during the interview, (perhaps they were unaware at the time?), but it was notable how FBI’s “visit” was meant to intimidate (handcuffed/separated in their home, confiscation of electronics, jewelry, clothing) and “mock” them (they also confiscated their copy of the Declaration of Independence.

    USAG/DOJ also released a 38 page indictment yesterday. FBI affiant sounds like a real stormtrooper. Lotta assumptions throughout the document. I imagine once this reaches a jury and they’re acquitted, Wray will promote said FBI SA.

  7. There is no consequence of any significance for those involved in things like this so we’ll continue to see them taking place on a regular basis.

  8. Probable cause based upon the FBI tool’s knowledge and experience.
    My knowledge, experience and probable cause tells me this agent is a tool of the weaponized and corrupt FBI seeking a search warrant without proper investigation BASED upon Facts.
    But that’s how the government hit men operate.

  9. For 20 years before Bush put Herr Mueller in charge the FBI was almost totally ineffective. Herr Mueller turned it into an anti merica lover GESTAPO. Not nearly as good as the original but clearly good as these names show: :President Trump, Gen. Flynn, Clinton(’15 + ’16), Manafort,M. Cohen.

    Belated disclosure: I have said many times the last 19 years all initial agencies should be shut and all employees fired. They have all become this century tools to control the “deplorable”; not protect or enhance America.

    I am biased!

  10. What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  11. That anything or anyone connected to the FBI in any way is not tossed, or at least considered in light of the history of misconduct of that agency as tainted, at this juncture, is a scandal and a disgrace in its own right.


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