The Gateway Pundit Petitions Court to Unseal Epstein’s Alleged Client List – IOTW Report

The Gateway Pundit Petitions Court to Unseal Epstein’s Alleged Client List

Epoch Times:

The Gateway Pundit has petitioned a New York federal court to unseal the suspected client list for the alleged child sex trafficking ring run by Jeffrey Epstein and associate Ghislaine Maxwell.

Seeking to report on what the lawsuit called the “Epstein Client List,” The Gateway Pundit, a conservative news outlet, filed a motion on July 27 via lawyers to intervene in the Giuffre v. Maxwell case in the U.S. District Court for the District of New York.

In court documents, attorneys for the outlet said that 23 women testified that they were trafficked and abused by Epstein when they were under age.

Four of those women also testified that they were abused by Epstein’s one-time girlfriend Maxwell, who herself was convicted and sentenced for sex trafficking.

The names of the alleged “clients” the women were allegedly trafficked to when they were minors have never been made public, nor have any of the alleged high-profile clients been charged.

The women have testified that the alleged clients include “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders,” according to court documents.

“Yet, despite all these charges and allegations, the government has not revealed to whom, other than Epstein himself, these women (minors at the time) were trafficked. read more

15 Comments on The Gateway Pundit Petitions Court to Unseal Epstein’s Alleged Client List

  1. Wouldn’t be prudent to name all the pervy people who were involved in this massive child sex trafficking. Jeffrey Epstein is dead and Gizzie Maxwell is in a Federal Wine and Cheese Pairing Facility. She’s the only one who will ever stand trial for a decades long sex trafficking scheme involving dozens of other participants. Seems kind of odd, but these are the Oddest of Times. What say you, Humper?

  2. Bill Gates
    Bill Clinton
    John Roberts
    Alan Dershowitz
    “The Simpsons” guy
    Prince What-the-fuck
    Jeff Bozo
    Pedo Joe
    Warren Buffett
    HR Clinton
    Michael Eisner
    Most of the Wealthy Euro-Trash
    Bill Barr
    John Durham
    Sonya Sotomayor
    Adam Schitt
    Jerry Nadler
    Alec Baldwin
    Eric Fartsmell

    Pretty much a Who’s Who of DC, the Media, Academia, Wall St., and Hollyweird.

    And no, they won’t release the names of the guilty.
    Our legal system protects the perverted, the corrupt, the depraved, “minorities,” and the connected.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim – FJB
    I don’t believe Pedo Joe is on that list.
    They didn’t want that bragging, blabber-mouth Buffoon telling any of his fantasy Whoppers about their Island Activities!

  4. If Trump made this one of his priorities on his platform, I might consider voting for him again. I got this feeling Trump won’t be the guy in 2024. All this will be forgotten soon, many wag the dog scenarios are heading our way. No politician is going to waste their time cuz they’re just like the ones on the list and might even be on the list. Ghislaine was the sacrificial lamb.

  5. How many times in the last couple years have we instantly figured out the who, what, when, where, and whys of democrat/CCP scandals? We’re immediately attacked by the MSM, only to be proven right a few months later. Same will happen here. We all have a pretty good idea who was involved. Again, it’s only a matter of time before we’re proven right.


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